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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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Has anyone watched Lilyhammer on Netflix? Sil from Sopranos is in it.

I watched the first episode, it's bizarre. Sal speaks English, but seems to understand all Norwegian, half the Norwegians speak English, half speak Norwegian. But the language barrier seems to be fairly irrelevant to everything else that happens.

I'll watch a few more episodes to see how it goes but it's a bit nuts to me.


Its really cheap TV. Not recommended at all as far as I'm concerned.

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finally managed to finish homeland


**** hell what a load of bollocks, safe to say i wont watch season 4


carrie is mentally unstable, disobeyed orders so many times they shot her, they then put her back in to the field where she disobeyed orders again, is 8 months pregnant... and they made her station chief... **** off, i swear they make it up as they go along, she's a white american woman in iran climbing a fence and shouting brodie as he's hanging and nobody notices her...

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finally managed to finish homeland


**** hell what a load of bollocks, safe to say i wont watch season 4


carrie is mentally unstable, disobeyed orders so many times they shot her, they then put her back in to the field where she disobeyed orders again, is 8 months pregnant... and they made her station chief... **** off, i swear they make it up as they go along, she's a white american woman in iran climbing a fence and shouting brodie as he's hanging and nobody notices her...



Concur with all of this!!!!


IMO there's no need for a fourth series...


(How the hell do you post a spoiler text box?)


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That programme about the 'extreme urban climbers' last night was just crazy. Jeez man. I can understand people wanting to do bungie jumps or sky dives for fun, but that, wow. It did quite make me want to climb up a crane at a building site, though. Just climb up it mark you, not hang off the word removed.

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finally managed to finish homeland


**** hell what a load of bollocks, safe to say i wont watch season 4


carrie is mentally unstable, disobeyed orders so many times they shot her, they then put her back in to the field where she disobeyed orders again, is 8 months pregnant... and they made her station chief... **** off, i swear they make it up as they go along, she's a white american woman in iran climbing a fence and shouting brodie as he's hanging and nobody notices her...

Yep, and at the end she said she was giving it up for adoption, so it's basically meant absolutely nothing to the story. I think the writers literally went "let's make her pregnant!" then a few episodes later thought "actually we're not sure where we're going with this, let's write the baby out"


The show is a mess. If they'd condensed seasons 2 and 3 into one season then it may have been ok. But they stretched it out and filled it with shite. There was no need for us to see Brody in that shitty place he was holed up in, that whole episode was filler. Then they made him addicted to heroin for no reason, but don't worry, one quick montage of him falling over and then running a bit and he's apparently cured. So cured in fact that he can be part of a super secret mission to Iran.


Oh, and he visited his daughter, who apparently definitely didn't mention it to anybody whatsoever after he did.


Finally, they filled the start of the season with loads of pointless shit about Brody's family. Dana sexting with some pratt and then running off with him. It was boring.

And then, when Brody was killed and it would actually be interesting to see his family's reaction, there wasn't a peep out of them.


Season 1 was fantastic. But then Homeland went through a downfall of "Heroes" proportions. It's a big disappointment

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Probably. It's clearly one of those programmes that was written for one season, and when it got commissioned for more, they didn't know what to do with it.


The first season is genuinely excellent.

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Probably. It's clearly one of those programmes that was written for one season, and when it got commissioned for more, they didn't know what to do with it.


The first season is genuinely excellent.

Seeing what happened to the fairly similar Homeland makes me less unhappy that Rubicon only lasted for one season.

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I am told you can watch Homeland S1 in isolation, as a complete story and then put it down for good? If so I might have a go, but I don't want to have to waste my time going further.

Fine recommendation, S1 is very good. After that its absolute bobbins, makes no sense and is more stupid than a Michael Bay film.

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Raising hope! It's on Netflix and hilarious. Also being encouraged to watch Elementary. I actually enjoy Sherlock. Kind of not sure I'll enjoy Elementary. Anyone watch it?

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