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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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Every death on Game of Thrones to date. 




Only watch if you are up to date with the TV show, obviously.  The deaths aren't in chronological order either.   


Don't watch on YouTube either, the comments are full of spoilers from the books.   Speaking of the books, I've decided to power through them since S3 ended and am now about a quarter of the way through book four, A Feast For Crows which I assume will make up season 5 of the TV show (there is still a ton of stuff A Clash of Kings which will make season 4) but as I had something spoiled for me on terrestrial television of all places I might as well ask the forum and anybody who has read all five books the question:


At what point does Jon Snow


get a job as the main presenter of Channel Four News and become chancellor of Oxford Brookes University?


Edited by The_Rev
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Been watching through It's Always Sunny again. Just saw the one where they start a band and now I have the Dayman song stuck in my head.

Champion of the sun!  You're the master of Karate and friendship for everyone!

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Been watching through It's Always Sunny again. Just saw the one where they start a band and now I have the Dayman song stuck in my head.

Champion of the sun!  You're the master of Karate and friendship for everyone!



Fantastic episode.

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Luther is amazIng


Finally british drama that is actually good


It's one of my favourite programmes. Each episode has such an intense atmosphere and Idris Elba is such a brilliant actor the ease he gets out of some situations is ok by me :)



Kat Dennings FTW.


I wholeheartedly agree.

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I think the main problem with the third series is, tying in with what I said about him getting out of some situations more easily than he perhaps should do, problems are also resolved a bit too simply.


At times all this tension is built up to such a point everyone's saying "Right how are we going to find the killer!?" and I'm on the edge of my seat thinking "Yeah!? How are they going to find the killer!? This is tense!" and then the solution is akin to "He's over there" "Oh right, get him then" and they get him and that's it job done, too frequently the solution feels like a 'cop out' (You know me, pun intended but it is relevant),


There's been a bit of this in each previous series but not quite to the degree the third series has, or the device has been used too many times in my opinion.


Alice Morgan was a great character

A Catwoman to Luther's Batman and perhaps she'll come back from Mexico one day. I agree the series misses an interesting character to play opposite Luther


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So the series finale of Luther has been on and my eye balls watched it and my ears listened to all the sounds so here, through my fingers typing, is what my brain thought (Yes I have one)


Spoilers under the cut about all the business...


Alice came back! She'd been all over the place, Germany, Brazil etc sending postcards along the way, she even got married but she's back for Luther, she said it was because she saw the news but Luther detected that wasn't entirely true.


Straight away (What an entrance!) and throughout the episode, chemistry that had been missing was back! Like I wrote before, she's the Catwoman to Luther's Batman (Although that may be because I have to put everything in to Batman context, Ripley was [Jason Todd] Robin, Schenk is Gordon, Silver is Oracle etc) and her inclusion gives everything a real kick.


I enjoyed the plot of the whole series and this specific episode, Luther pushes face-offs to the limit and it's been a slight criticism of mine before that most of the time he pushes things to the brink and gets away physically unscathed so this time he gets shot in the foot but still gets to Paragon House pretty quickly, maybe it's because he's one tough Mo-Fo? It's more than likely that!


In my opinion it's one of a few television programmes that can create such an amount of tension in the build up and I think sometimes that's why the pay off feels anti-climatic (I've felt that a few times) but I'm not sure yet, I'll have to have a think and re-watch all three series again :)


Will there be another series? I hope so but Luther says he's done now he's taken Marwood down but Idris Elba has been talking about how he'd like to be in a Luther movie, so you never know...

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