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Yep, there is a composite out the yellow, red and white cable that most tv's have. So I turned on tv out on my phone and plugged the cables into the tv in front of the bike. Switched the channel to av2 and the picture from my screen appears on the tv. I just went to the video player, turned on ironman 2 plugged my headphones into the extension on the bike and hey presto.

You can do that with an Iphone.......if you really wanted too.

The thing that worries me is why anyone would want to watch Iron Man 2. :D

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Yep, there is a composite out the yellow, red and white cable that most tv's have. So I turned on tv out on my phone and plugged the cables into the tv in front of the bike. Switched the channel to av2 and the picture from my screen appears on the tv. I just went to the video player, turned on ironman 2 plugged my headphones into the extension on the bike and hey presto.

You can do that with an Iphone.......if you really wanted too.

Yeah but like everything else with the iphone only some things can be ported to a tv. Whatever Steve Jobs allows tipy to basically. While you'll have to be ripped off abs pay £50 for the cable too. My cable cost £3.

You have to jail break your phone to have it mirrored on the tv. My phone does full mirroring of my phone screen without me needing to hack anything. Plus it has full support for divx avi, meaning I can download shows quickly and easily drag and drop them to my phone.

I love android for the simple fact of freedom, and if there is some functionality I don't have you can bet your arse google are adding it to the next release of android. Apple think, how will this impact revenue, our how can we extract revenue before they do anything. Google give this os away free, so nothing stops them making it the best it can be.

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Nexus S was unveiled.

Looks like those boys at google have given samsung a huge helping hand and gingerbread has been optimized for the galaxy s core, meaning the galaxy s 2.3 release should be a lot quicker and run much better.

Google thank you very much.

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Nexus S was unveiled.

Looks like those boys at google have given samsung a huge helping hand and gingerbread has been optimized for the galaxy s core, meaning the galaxy s 2.3 release should be a lot quicker and run much better.

Google thank you very much.

It really doesn't mean that at all.

Porting the stock os to a handset is easy.

What takes the time is the customisation then. It's still going to take samsung time to port over touchwiz. It doesn't matter if they've got a phone with the same hardware running stock, that process is what'll slow down the release of update (see how long it took the HTC desire to get 2.2). Touchwiz touches some pretty deep stuff (like complete contact app replacement) that means it's not an easy port, and vendor can have a phone running stock within hours of it hitting AOSP. That's really not the hard part.

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Still means that 2.3 is going to be optimized by google for the hummingbird core. Also it will make loading vanilla releases of android onto the galaxy a doddle. Unlocked bootloader :)

Basically this is fantastic news and has people on xda buzzing. Match best hardware with best software and get best phone :D

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Yeah I doubt we'll ever see Gingerbread on the i9000. It's too much work for Samsung for very little return.

The best hope is CyanogenMod, they'll get a decent Gingerbread release as soon as they've managed to hack open a few drivers.

Otherwise I'll definitely be getting a Nexus S. I hate Touchwiz and really just want pure AOSP.

Apparently the Nexus S will be to the Galaxy S2 what the Nexus One is to the HTC Desire. NFC is the most exciting part I think.

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Having looked a couple of pictures of the new Nexus, as if the Samsung tag on the back of it wasn't enough to give away the link, the fact it appears to have been made out of the same stuff as a xenomorphs carapace should let any buyer know quickly.


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You know what really annoys me with the nexus s? The layout of the buttons. Why have they changed them from being the same as just about everyone phone? Home should be on the left, followed by menu, back, then search. Why, despite near enough every phone having them in that order, including the nexus one and the entire galaxy s range, have they gone with back, menu, search, home on the nexus s?

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Quick question

San Fransisco Handset bought from Orange and looking to set up for my sons xmas pressie.

Is it possible to set up Android Market without registering a card to it or similar to xbox live accounts where I can have parental permissions.

Looking to get a few decent apps etc onto the thing ready for him.

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Most of the android market apps are free. So you don't need a google checkout account to access the market. Angry birds is free, a huge amount of popular stuff like that will be free due to advertising revenue generated from such a popular app.

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I have that phone.

Android market is simply a default button that links straight to the site, providing you got phone credit. No need for registering anything, a lot of apps are free, and you can search easilly for free ones too.

And btw - Oranges tarrifs for data are rotten, really rotten, - do get the phone unlocked asap and remember that Android phones can use a lot of data, even in the background, if you don't monitor your apps/settings carefully.

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I also have the SF and LOVE it., as others have said, you can simply hit the 'Market' button and have a mooch around without registering anything and download the free apps till your hearts content.

For those thinking of buying the Orange San Francisco I believe you can now get it in some different colours (White and Grey I think) from Orange and it is also available from Play.com, there is also an online calculator to generate a free unlock code. Let me know if you're interested.

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FREE Unlock calculator: here

Put IMEI in (which is printed on the box and is also available at Settings-About Phone-Status-IMEI), select ZTE, leave default model as ZTE BLUEBELT

Got this info from HUKD, btw, this is now the hottest deal ever on the website, goes to show how good value this mobile is.

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Interesting news on neowin website that Samsung are set to concentrate more of their efforts next year on the Windows Phone platform, infect they intend to bring out twice the amount of windows handsets than Android.

Wonder how that will go down at google hq.

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