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So that gif where the midgit face slides across the ring was pretty good




Personally though I liked the midget monkey thing kicked off the apron better




Now though, I think I have now found my favourite wrestling gif, ever




8 times :crylaugh:

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CZW's Tournament of Death XIII was this past weekend. Sometimes just reading the stipulations is the most interesting thing about death matches, here's how it went down


"Kokutenshi / Black Angel" Jaki Numazawa vs. Lucky 13 - Dildos & Ladders

Aero Boy vs. 'The Ultraviolent Beast' MASADA - Barbed Wire Madness

Masashi 'Crazy Kid' Takeda vs. 'The Deathmatch Drunkard' Danny Havoc - Ultraviolent Pits

'Bulldozer' Matt Tremont vs. 'The Crazy Monkey' Jun Kasai - Light Tube Bundles

Lucky 13 vs. MASADA - Glass Panes

Jun Kasai vs. Danny Havok - Combatents choice;  Gusset Plates & Razor Boards (!!!)

(non-tournament Devon Moore vs. Ron Mathis - Fans Bring the Weapons)

MASADA vs. Jun Kasai - No Rope Barbed Wire, Scaffold, Ladder, and Light Tube Bundles



Unsurprisingly Kasai won. I think calls that he is the deathmatch GOAT are accurate.


The crowd was pretty massive, might have been swelled by rumours this would be the last TOD. It isn't, it's on next year, and Nick Gage will be back.

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So they've built up Wyatt to now tear him down? From losing to cena to feuding with Seamus. Dear oh dear. Wwe seem to be going through their annual 'we've started some interesting storylines, now lets ruin everything' phase again.

I give up.

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Is it true JR got sacked because he was drunk at the release of a WWE game?




after all he's done, he end up getting done over that! Seems harsh - Evidently "Porkie" Parry wouldn't last long at the WWE either.

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