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Lol I came in to see what was happening and there's my name! ! I do read this thread from time to time but I'm not into wrestling as much as I used to be, still try to get back into it once in a while tho! The wife's fine, 2 year anniversary in July!

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I think somebody should make a non-kayfabe wrestling computer game where you have to climb the ladder as a performer.  You take part in pre-planned matches and execute the moves with button combo's.  You can decide to add 'spots' and stuff to the matches which vary in difficulty and accomplishing them would help getting you over.  Also you'd be offered gimmicks that you can accept or refuse which would have different repercussions and you'd have ratings for how over you are and stuff.


Get it made.


Break kayfabe?!

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I think somebody should make a non-kayfabe wrestling computer game where you have to climb the ladder as a performer. You take part in pre-planned matches and execute the moves with button combo's. You can decide to add 'spots' and stuff to the matches which vary in difficulty and accomplishing them would help getting you over. Also you'd be offered gimmicks that you can accept or refuse which would have different repercussions and you'd have ratings for how over you are and stuff.

Get it made.

Break kayfabe?!

That would be an option and then you'd get the Triple H treatment after the curtain call.

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It was a fake! Childhood memories destroyed in an instant. Don't remember the fake Hawk but I do remember the brick finish.

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