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have to say the battery life for iphone 4 is absymal. you have to charge it every day!

Turn Wifi of unless you are actually using it, with it on it is constantly searching for wifi. Much better battery life if you do this

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I apologise in advance if this has already been discussed.

My X10 contract is coming to an end and I want to get back into the iPhone malarkey. Had the 3G and have missed it ever since.

Now my dilemma is the fact that there are rumours circulating in regards to iPhone 5 being released sometime this year. I'd much rather wait for that.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Should I go for the iPhone 4 or do you think I should perhaps wait it out for the potential arrival of iPhone 5?

Your help is much appreciated!

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iPhone - released late June 2007

iPhone 3G - released early July 2008

iPhone 3Gs - released mid June 2009

iPhone 4 - released late June 2010

Now I'm no expert, but I think Apple may release an iPhone 5 in either late June or early July. :P

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iPhone - released late June 2007

iPhone 3G - released early July 2008

iPhone 3Gs - released mid June 2009

iPhone 4 - released late June 2010

Now I'm no expert, but I think Apple may release an iPhone 5 in either late June or early July. :P

That is an excellent point. Cheers mate!

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iPhone - released late June 2007

iPhone 3G - released early July 2008

iPhone 3Gs - released mid June 2009

iPhone 4 - released late June 2010

Now I'm no expert, but I think Apple may release an iPhone 5 in either late June or early July. :P

I don't think there will be a 5 this year more of an upgrade to the 4 like the 3gs.

The white iphone is not even out yet so I doubt there will be any major design changes.

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have to say the battery life for iphone 4 is absymal. you have to charge it every day!

It's actually one of the best for a smartphone. Smartphones in general have poor battery life because they have powerful cpu's and big bright screens to run.

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Agreed. I'd expect some sort of upgrade to the iPhone 4 this year. maybe an iPhone 5 next year.

They can't afford to. They will bring out something new and special this year. Jobs knows they can't let android steal a huge march on them this year. Have you seen some of the phones at ECS? Jaw dropping. Apple need to bring out something amazing themselves and I'm sure they will. So start saving guys.

Can I ask what do you want to see in the new iphone? 3.7 inch screen? Dual core cpu?

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I apologise in advance if this has already been discussed.

My X10 contract is coming to an end and I want to get back into the iPhone malarkey. Had the 3G and have missed it ever since.

Now my dilemma is the fact that there are rumours circulating in regards to iPhone 5 being released sometime this year. I'd much rather wait for that.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Should I go for the iPhone 4 or do you think I should perhaps wait it out for the potential arrival of iPhone 5?

Your help is much appreciated!

I don't blame you the X10 was so bad that I'm sure it would put you off Android for life. I can only imagine coming from an iphone to that dog shit Android 1.6 and such on it while others were getting 2.2. Anyway I echo the others. Wait have a look at what's released in the coming months as I think this year will see a huge leap forward for smartphones and the next iphone will be a big step up from the iphone 4.

So be patient :)

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iPhone - released late June 2007

iPhone 3G - released early July 2008

iPhone 3Gs - released mid June 2009

iPhone 4 - released late June 2010

Now I'm no expert, but I think Apple may release an iPhone 5 in either late June or early July. :P

I don't think there will be a 5 this year more of an upgrade to the 4 like the 3gs.

The white iphone is not even out yet so I doubt there will be any major design changes.

That's semantics, surely?

The first iPhone didn't have a number because it didn't need one.

The 3rd iPhone had a number 3 in its branding.

The 4th iPhone had a number 4 in its branding.

It's only the second iPhone that **** the naming order up and that's because Apple could not get away with releasing a 2g phone in 2008.

The 5th one? Well, whatever they decide to call it, it will be out in June or July.

Will they redesign it? Who knows, but the antenna problems with the iPhone 4 were embarrassing for Apple and probably something to do with the white phone never came out. They might go for a bigger screen, they will probably lose the glass back at some point. Whatever they do, there will be a new model in six months, which is the answer to the question that was originally asked.


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have to say the battery life for iphone 4 is absymal. you have to charge it every day!

Turn Wifi of unless you are actually using it, with it on it is constantly searching for wifi. Much better battery life if you do this

But its such a long winded process turning the wifi on and off and on and off.

If only there was a quick way. One touch.


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I apologise in advance if this has already been discussed.

My X10 contract is coming to an end and I want to get back into the iPhone malarkey. Had the 3G and have missed it ever since.

Now my dilemma is the fact that there are rumours circulating in regards to iPhone 5 being released sometime this year. I'd much rather wait for that.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Should I go for the iPhone 4 or do you think I should perhaps wait it out for the potential arrival of iPhone 5?

Your help is much appreciated!

I don't blame you the X10 was so bad that I'm sure it would put you off Android for life. I can only imagine coming from an iphone to that dog shit Android 1.6 and such on it while others were getting 2.2. Anyway I echo the others. Wait have a look at what's released in the coming months as I think this year will see a huge leap forward for smartphones and the next iphone will be a big step up from the iphone 4.

So be patient :)

Will do! :)

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Is there a limit to the size of file you can download over 3G on the iPhone? Say if I am out and about and the new Football Weekly drops and I want to listen to it, but it's a 50mb download, can I get it?

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I thought the limit was 20mb, but yeh there is a limit.

I'm not sure why the limit is there? I just always assumed it was to stop you using up your data allowance, but now that I think about it that doesn't make sense.

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Yeah it's 20 meg, most podcasts are over that limit, including FW.

However, you can stream the podcasts without actually d/ling them, just through data (helps if its 3G)

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