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Rang O2 yesterday. They were out of stock of iphone 4s but they'e put me on a simplicity contract (which I can stop at any time) until I upgrade, which means I'm only paying 20 quid a month.

Not sure how that works but I wasn't going to say no.

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Apple press conference at 6.00pm tonight to address the signal lose issue on the new model.

Expect a free bumper.


Or maybe expect a cheap case which you might get on ebay for about 3 quid so they can still charge a premium for a Bumper.

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Dropped my iPhone a few months ago and smashed the screen. Apple quoted £110 to replace it, Indian fella in a phone shop in Sunderland quoted £35. Guess which option I went for.

Anyway after the repair the main button wasn't working the same but I thought 'you get what you pay for'. It needed a harder press to work properly. Wasn't a problem until ios 4 and multitasking. Since ios 4 it's been a pain in the arse.

Went to the Genius bar today and told them the button was sticky. No, it's never been replaced before, honest guv.

10 mins later, shiny new screen and fully functioning button installed free of charge.

The Genius knew exactly what was up, the dodgy glue that the Indian fella used gave the game away but he went along with it anyway.

Absolutely chuffed and very impressed with the Apple service.

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Ordered my iphone 4 today :D :D :D

It's already been dispatched and will be here tomorrow according to them. Woohoo!

I haggled them a bit. Got the 32gb for the price of the 16gb. I think I could have got them down more, but seeing as I'll get £170 for my iphone from mazuma and won 145 quid on roulette last night, I didn't see the need ;)

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I don't know but the iphone is expensive.

£119 for the 16 gb model and £203 for the 32 gb model, on a 24 month contract.

Can't say I know the HTC prices but my guess is it's less.

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Wow, 24 month contract and £203 that is expensive and a very very long contract. I can only imagine how much they're gonna charge over here, no wonder so many people are turning to the Android phones.

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I don't think the price for the handset goes up if you have an 18 month contract, but the tariff goes up (eg £35 a month goes to 40 a month if you're only on an 18 month contract)

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I'd like to have a go with an iPhone to see what all the buzz is about but for >£500 a year and having to keep the same handset for 2 years its just not even close to being value for money, not with the standard of the HTC Android handsets on the market.

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Hmmmm, got everything up and running on my iphone, then tried to install the latest software, and it's **** it.

I get the error message: The iphone could not be restored. An unknown error occured (14)


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