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So I can text someone in Africa, download music from iTunes, watch japanese porn and check emails all from my phone, but if I want the radio to play as my alarm clock I need to attach an antenna? FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU

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htf do you text someone in Africa???

know the african in questions mobile phone number I should imagine, then press send including the country code for the country where his/her phone is registered. usually costs double or triple normal text price

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htf do you text someone in Africa???

know the african in questions mobile phone number I should imagine, then press send including the country code for the country where his/her phone is registered. usually costs double or triple normal text price

It's probably cheaper to phone them on your landline using the cheap internet call numbers.

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Recently I'm finding that I either have a **** awful hangover coupled with a little depression, or only a small bit of a hangover and I'm ready to throw myself off a bridge.

what do you usually drink?

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The TV Licensing company have now let me and the rest of my housemates know about our legal standing if we don't purchase licenses.

The carefully worded threatening letters are becoming farcical now, we rang up to tell them we aren't using TVs or anything (reception for this house is terrible, I actually can't put the TV anywhere that receives signal) and they said we'd been scheduled for a visit anyway.


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well...you aren't 100 percent sure they weren't real. you just felt like they weren't. and it does sound like you were paranoid but even thoguh you say you woke up fairly fine doesn't mean you were fine. and you were chemically induced the night b4 so it still might have messed with you. perhaps at least cutting back on the booze....maybe. idk....i have had very strange things happen to me....but not like that. and i tend to be on the opposite end of things with depression...i will have a lot of bad things go on and drag me down and for about a day i just feel helpless and pointless to the world....but everytime i feel this way a thought pops in my head....."i hate this feeling and i don't want it" and then i find something anything that makes me happy and i'm better. so actual depression while i sympathize greatly and try to help people....its lost on me.

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That arsehole that drove his car into the river the other day with his kids inside, turns out I was in the same class as him at school, just didn't recognise his photo in the papers.

An old school chum who works at our place recognised him and was telling me this afternoon.

Never did like him..

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