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Looks like a decent chance of catching a hurricane this weekend


* We've added an "EXTREME" threat level category from eastern North Carolina to southern New England. According to Hurricane Expert, Dr. Rick Knabb and Sr. Meteorologist, Stu Ostro, "this is a particularly threatening situation and it's best for people to be on alert."

* Computer models are currently trending toward a forecast solution of rare potency for portions of the Northeast.

* Irene has the potential to be a serious and multi-hazard threat for the major metropolitan areas of the Northeast along and east of the I-95 corridor. This includes Philadelphia, New York City, Hartford, and Boston. * This hurricane has the potential to produce flooding rains, high winds, downed trees (on houses, cars, power lines) and widespread power outages. Significant impacts along the immediate coast include high waves, surge and beach erosion. The severity of the impacts will be determined by Irene's exact path and intensity, which remain uncertain at this time.

* For North Carolina, odds are increasing that the main impact will be confined to the Outer Banks and elsewhere in extreme eastern NC

* Timing: Irene will make its closest approach to the Carolinas late Friday night through Saturday. Northeast U.S. impacts would be this weekend into early Monday of next week.

* We remain several days away from Irene's direct impacts along the US East Coast and critical uncertainties remain. Stay tuned to The Weather Channel and right here on weather.com for further updates.


Cold front + hurricane = something close to a perfect storm

Looks like a weekend of watching Jim Cantore and Stephanie Abrams for me...

Tryin' to reason with hurricane season...

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I'm about to start 2 whole weeks where I'm not on-call. It'll be like a holiday. I won't know what to do with myself of an evening. I'll probably just sit in and waste them :lol:

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Good luck maqroll, keep us updated on your safety :thumb:

Oh and if you wake up tomorrow and your house is on the outskirts of emerald city, bring us all back a nice gift.

Flying monkeys for everyone :P

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Good luck maqroll, keep us updated on your safety :thumb:

Oh and if you wake up tomorrow and your house is on the outskirts of emerald city, bring us all back a nice gift.

Flying monkeys for everyone :P

Can I have an unmarked spoon?

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I'll be honest here, most people in work today were going on about how they hope the storm **** off to sea and doesn't affect us. They are all full of shit, My apartment is about 20ft from the East River and built on reclaimed land, my office is in Downtown Manhattan and at severe risk of flooding, I've had to cancel a bunch of weekend plans and stocked up on water and some other goods. Unlike the people who pretend they don't want the shit to go down. I really **** hope it does, I want to see half the city flooded, devastation up and down the East coast, blackouts, water shortages, flooded subways, abandoned cars, roofs blown off, people boating in the middle of the street. I want this **** to hit NJ as category 3 ravage it and move into NYC at cat 2. Maybe I'm alone but I know I'm not. Whenever a major incident or disaster happens we put on this veneer of horror and shock but inside we are all thirsting for more. CARNAGE BABY! CARNAGE!

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I'll be honest here, most people in work today were going on about how they hope the storm **** off to sea and doesn't affect us. They are all full of shit, My apartment is about 20ft from the East River and built on reclaimed land, my office is in Downtown Manhattan and at severe risk of flooding, I've had to cancel a bunch of weekend plans and stocked up on water and some other goods. Unlike the people who pretend they don't want the shit to go down. I really **** hope it does, I want to see half the city flooded, devastation up and down the East coast, blackouts, water shortages, flooded subways, abandoned cars, roofs blown off, people boating in the middle of the street. I want this **** to hit NJ as category 3 ravage it and move into NYC at cat 2. Maybe I'm alone but I know I'm not. Whenever a major incident or disaster happens we put on this veneer of horror and shock but inside we are all thirsting for more. CARNAGE BABY! CARNAGE!

:o All I can imagine is the that film The Day After Tomorrow, minus the super blizzard and every single person dying

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It's almost surely not going to kill people en masse... you, me, maqroll et al aren't likely to get killed in this, but when the storm passes, we'll have been through something borderline Biblical, something to tell people, "Well, I went through Irene". It's a bond born of shared experience (which is probably second only to family... it's why the bond of sports fandom is so strong*).

It's **** awesome, in every sense of the word.

*: Semi-related: The Weather Channel is in full pre-game mode

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