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This is the thing - I simply cannot afford to go out every week. I'm lucky to be able to afford to go out once a month (I'm talking of a few pubs and maybe a club/curry after). I don't drink to the extreme but I do have a few drinks on a Friday evening to take the edge off of the week of working and to wind down. I don't drink during the week and I feel as though I deserve a little drink at the weekend for working all week just to barely cover the bills (let alone going out!).

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Has anyone ever had a bad reaction to a tooth extraction ? I had my first one today and whilst the actual procedure went OK (Didn't feel any pain) I have felt like absolute death ever since. My skin itches , and I mean REALLY itches all over from head to toe, I can't hold down any liquid without chucking up and I've also got the Brad Pitts to top it off.

Surely this can't be normal ?

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I'm far from an expert, but I assume it was with anaesthetic? Possibly you've had an allergic reaction to whatever anaesthesia (no idea how to spell that) they used?

I'd expect you'll be fine after a while, but if it carries on much longer you'd better see a doc.

*again, I'm not an expert by a long distance*

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I'm far from an expert, but I assume it was with anaesthetic? Possibly you've had an allergic reaction to whatever anaesthesia (no idea how to spell that) they used?

I'd expect you'll be fine after a while, but if it carries on much longer you'd better see a doc.

*again, I'm not an expert by a long distance*

Thanks for caring Steve :D

The itching has gone now thankfully which was my biggest concern.

My dentist is just round the corner from Sutton train station and I honestly thought I was going to pass out on the platform waiting for the train home. I looked like a crackhead.

It's a strange one though because 2 weeks ago I had a root canal and I didn't react to the anastasia and again last week when I was fitted for a crown.

I've never feared the dentist but I really hope I don't see one for a long, long time now.

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I'm far from an expert, but I assume it was with anaesthetic? Possibly you've had an allergic reaction to whatever anaesthesia (no idea how to spell that) they used?

I'd expect you'll be fine after a while, but if it carries on much longer you'd better see a doc.

*again, I'm not an expert by a long distance*

Thanks for caring Steve :D

The itching has gone now thankfully which was my biggest concern.

My dentist is just round the corner from Sutton train station and I honestly thought I was going to pass out on the platform waiting for the train home. I looked like a crackhead.

It's a strange one though because 2 weeks ago I had a root canal and I didn't react to the anastasia and again last week when I was fitted for a crown.

I've never feared the dentist but I really hope I don't see one for a long, long time now.

I would go to the Doctor or the ER. If you go into anaphalactic shock if something triggers another reaction you could be in trouble. If you won't go... get some antihistimines down you - even hayfever tablets like Piriton will take the itching away. I am terribly allergic to zinc oxide & this makes me itch all over and feal lousy.

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I'm far from an expert, but I assume it was with anaesthetic? Possibly you've had an allergic reaction to whatever anaesthesia (no idea how to spell that) they used?

I'd expect you'll be fine after a while, but if it carries on much longer you'd better see a doc.

*again, I'm not an expert by a long distance*

Thanks for caring Steve :D

The itching has gone now thankfully which was my biggest concern.

My dentist is just round the corner from Sutton train station and I honestly thought I was going to pass out on the platform waiting for the train home. I looked like a crackhead.

It's a strange one though because 2 weeks ago I had a root canal and I didn't react to the anastasia and again last week when I was fitted for a crown.

I've never feared the dentist but I really hope I don't see one for a long, long time now.

I would go to the Doctor or the ER. If you go into anaphalactic shock if something triggers another reaction you could be in trouble. If you won't go... get some antihistimines down you - even hayfever tablets like Piriton will take the itching away. I am terribly allergic to zinc oxide & this makes me itch all over and feal lousy.

Thankfully the itching's gone and I'm just left with a Dehli belly now. My heart was pounding for about an hour afterwards though and I was sweating like Andy Reid in Gregg's. If I don't feel better by tomorrow then I'll call NHS direct and hopefully they'll get me in with someone before Christmas.

Cheers for the advice love. :D

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My dentist is just round the corner from Sutton train station

I go that one 8)

I want to be exactly where that picture is. In like a lakeside hut. Few mates. Beers. Bit of music.

Ahh. One can wish.

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So these guys from London came into the restaurant tonight and man were they full of themselves. But what was fun for me was praising Villa. One of them kept blabbing on about Chelsea and a few others about Man United. I won't lie to you, while other american girls were swooning at their ridiculous Hugh Grant accent I just beacame completely pissed off with them. First the insults that "there's no way an american girl knows anything about REAL football" and then when I said I support Villa they actually attempted to rip apart Birmingham. Now I am aware that I only became a fan a few years back and it was to impress my now husband that I did so. But I honestly LOVE Villa. I still have a few things to learn and it may take me forever to know about old players but I love this damn club! And no one is going to rip apart anything I love. I did end up knowing more than one of the jackasses *I'm not even sure he's a real sports fan* and the others sort of backed off after that. But one guy started in on Brum again and wanted to know why I would ever care about it. I said because the best man ever came from there, MY HUSBAND! He then started to insult the people from Brum and I let him have it. One of the guys came over and apologized. Said he had family from Brum and that his friends were just being dicks because I caught them off guard knowing anything about footie or England for that matter. I have only been to London once, and except for the train station workers everyone seemed douchey....is this a common London thing or have I just had some bad luck with people from there?

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