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I love both coffee and tea. That's assuming we're talking about proper coffee and not that instant shite - won't give it house room.

But if I really had to choose only one or the other, it would have to be tea.

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Just read that Spanish air traffic controllers are paid annually on average the equivalent of $463,000 ..is that for real ?

The Times ran this story 11 months ago after the last strike:

Of 2,300 controllers, ten were paid between €810,000 (£725,000) and €900,000 last year. A further 226 were paid between €450,000 and €540,000 and 701 were paid between €270,000 and €360,000.

The average basic salary is €200,000 but most double or triple this amount by working overtime.

In contrast, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the Spanish Prime Minister, is paid €91,982 a year and the average salary in Spain is €18,087, according to government figures.

Full article.

Quite an absurd amount ın my opinion. Even if there are high stress levels.

For reference, ATC in this country are paid around £50k rising to around £100k with 10years+ experience.

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I drink too much coffee these days. During my baby boys first few weeks I got into the habit of buying a coffee from McD's as its just down the road on my way to work. Now He's sleeping I can't seem to wean myself off :-(

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Caffeine is a pretty highly addictive drug. The comedowns for people who take it regularly and then go cold turkey can be pretty bad with headaches and shakes. I usually avoid it but do drink red bull some weekends if I have a hangover...

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I used to drink it pretty heavily then got headaches and such when there was none around. Those were heady days.

I had a mate at uni who had a bag of it in powdered form for his lab experiments on rats. He used to snort lines of it as it is similar to the effects of a line of speed but the headaches were pretty brutal apparently.

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