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I think I'd like to date Mary Berry. Yes, she's getting on a bit, but imagine the cakes!


At her age she probably has a soggy bottom herself.



Might have competition from Voinjama for her affections then. 

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I think I may have not put enough postage on a large envelope I sent. It was being sent to my company office and I'm sure they would have lost the fee to pay card that gets delivered when not enough postage. Anyone had experience tracking down normal post that went missing?

If it's anything good then it's likely to be at a car boot sale near you in the spring.


(Sos, posties). :wacko:

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How can my insurance company send me a renewal price of £403 for van insurance (£23 increase on previous premium) yet putting the same details in their website gives me a price of £274.

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How can my insurance company send me a renewal price of £403 for van insurance (£23 increase on previous premium) yet putting the same details in their website gives me a price of £274.


Because they work on the assumption that a certain percentage of us are lazy, won't question it, and just renew.

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How can my insurance company send me a renewal price of £403 for van insurance (£23 increase on previous premium) yet putting the same details in their website gives me a price of £274.


Because they work on the assumption that a certain percentage of us are lazy, won't question it, and just renew.



Call them and ask and they'll probably drop it right down, they did for me.

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The AA were particularly baffled by that tactic, I had them on the phone for quite a while getting them down to the same price as AXA. Once they price matched I got them to go lower which needed a manager to approve. Then I told them to shove it as they'd changed their offer so much I basically couldn't trust them.

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I think I may have not put enough postage on a large envelope I sent. It was being sent to my company office and I'm sure they would have lost the fee to pay card that gets delivered when not enough postage. Anyone had experience tracking down normal post that went missing?

Go to your local sorting office, they keep things for 28 days iirc

And take idea with proof of address to where it was sent to



Would it be in the sorting office near the office I sent it to? Or will it be near the post box I posted it from? Only the address of the office I was sending it to was on it. 


I did not put senders address on it. 

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I hate HMRC.  2 months running I have been given no personal allowance since I changed jobs.  I've given them all the information they need and they still haven't fixed it.

They are shit. I've phoned up about 20 times in the past year. They owe me overpaid tax from the previous tax year. Only this morning did I get a letter through saying they own me £x. No **** cheque though!

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