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I watched "A Night at the Roxbury" last night.

I'd never even heard of it. It's a very early Will Ferrell film made by the SNL guys (I think)

It was actually really funny. Totally stupid, but funny nonetheless.

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there is something wonderful about Ahhnuld as Mr Freeze and Uma's ridiculous Poison Ivy

There is nothing to commend that "film" by. Cinematic equivalent of a miscarriage. :shock:

Rubbish there is far worse to get far more acclaim. Its somewhere on the so bad its good continuum.

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there is something wonderful about Ahhnuld as Mr Freeze and Uma's ridiculous Poison Ivy

There is nothing to commend that "film" by. Cinematic equivalent of a miscarriage. :shock:

Joel Schumacher is the abortionist of the film world, full stop.

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As someone who dislikes Westerns, I've been told to watch The Ox-Bow Incident as it's one of the best examples (and might change my mind). It was on Sky the other night so I recorded it. I'm actually looking forward to it now :)

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there is something wonderful about Ahhnuld as Mr Freeze and Uma's ridiculous Poison Ivy

There is nothing to commend that "film" by. Cinematic equivalent of a miscarriage. :shock:

Joel Schumacher is the abortionist of the film world, full stop.

Uwe Boll wants a word.

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As someone who dislikes Westerns, I've been told to watch The Ox-Bow Incident as it's one of the best examples (and might change my mind). It was on Sky the other night so I recorded it. I'm actually looking forward to it now :)

check out the proposition, it's a western set in the aussie outback, with a screen play by nick cave. it's certainly not john wayne territory, and ray winstone is always a good watch.

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As someone who dislikes Westerns, I've been told to watch The Ox-Bow Incident as it's one of the best examples (and might change my mind). It was on Sky the other night so I recorded it. I'm actually looking forward to it now :)

check out the proposition, it's a western set in the aussie outback, with a screen play by nick cave. it's certainly not john wayne territory, and ray winstone is always a good watch.

Eh? No it isn't.

It's a noir-ish western from 1943, starring Henry Fonda.

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Mike, I assume your response to the CED post you quoted is in fact directed at me?
It's directed at both of you.

Unless there's been a recent remake of which I'm not aware, "The Ox-Bow Incident" is not what CED says it is.

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You need to re-read CED. He's asking that I check out "The Proposition".
Ah. Some capitals might have helped. I assumed he was referring to the proposition behind "TOBI", rather than "The Proposition".
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Yeah I know. Some posters eh? ;) Anyhoo, as the resident Western fan, do you recommend TOBI?
Yep. But like you say, I'm a western fan!

Voted 9th best western on IMDB:

Rank Rating Title Votes

1. 9.0 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) 224,235

2. 8.7 Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) 102,730

3. 8.5 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 42,169

4. 8.3 Unforgiven (1992) 135,719

5. 8.3 For a Few Dollars More (1965) 64,606

6. 8.3 The Gold Rush (1925) 28,910

7. 8.2 High Noon (1952) 43,368

8. 8.2 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 75,330

9. 8.2 The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) 10,421

10. 8.1 The Wild Bunch (1969) 39,373

11. 8.1 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 29,350

12. 8.1 Rio Bravo (1959) 23,672

13. 8.0 The Searchers (1956) 35,991

14. 8.0 A Fistful of Dollars (1964) 53,265

15. 8.0 Dances with Wolves (1990) 94,329

16. 8.0 Stagecoach (1939) 17,774

17. 7.9 Red River (1948) 12,556

18. 7.8 My Darling Clementine (1946) 9,670

19. 7.8 The New Land (1972) 1,240

20. 7.8 The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) 27,903

21. 7.8 True Grit (2010) 111,995

22. 7.8 Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) 8,616

23. 7.8 3:10 to Yuma (2007) 130,154

24. 7.8 The Magnificent Seven (1960) 34,743

25. 7.8 The Gunfighter (1950) 3,948

26. 7.8 The Big Country (1958) 6,732

27. 7.8 Destry Rides Again (1939) 4,983

28. 7.8 The Great Silence (1968) 5,041

29. 7.8 Winchester '73 (1950) 6,839

30. 7.7 Shane (1953) 17,024

31. 7.7 McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971) 9,122

32. 7.7 Blazing Saddles (1974) 54,356

33. 7.7 Way Out West (1937) 3,574

34. 7.7 Johnny Guitar (1954) 6,032

35. 7.7 Dead Man (1995) 41,222

36. 7.7 Giant (1956) 15,343

37. 7.7 Lonely Are the Brave (1962) 3,101

38. 7.7 Little Big Man (1970) 17,040

39. 7.7 Tombstone (1993) 53,596

40. 7.7 3:10 to Yuma (1957) 7,467

41. 7.6 The Mark of Zorro (1940) 4,148

42. 7.6 A Fistful of Dynamite (1971) 12,445

43. 7.6 The Shootist (1976) 10,334

44. 7.6 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007) 77,330

45. 7.6 Fort Apache (1948) 6,915

46. 7.6 High Plains Drifter (1973) 19,433

47. 7.6 Lone Star (1996) 15,981

48. 7.6 Guns in the Afternoon (1962) 5,929

49. 7.6 Yellow Sky (1948) 1,526

50. 7.6 The Westerner (1940) 1,825

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When I was young, my dad would often have Westerns on and I hated them.

But as I grew into more of a film geek I do enjoy a lot of the more modern ones as well as a fair few of the older 'classics'. I still can't say I like a lot of the older fair - they're too... staid. But theres a few decent ones.

Westerns I'd take a look at would be

True Grit (2010)

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)

3:10 to Yuma (2007)

Unforgiven (1992)

Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)

Open Range (2003)

It's interesting that the newer Westerns have largely turned into character studies, when they used to effectively be morality tales. The Assassination of Jesse James is very slow, but beautiful, look at obsession, really, for example. The exception to that in the list I have there would be Open Range, which is a film that could have been made 50 years ago pretty easily, and is simply a tale of good and bad, and 3.10 to Yuma, which is pretty muhc a Western crossed with a small budget action film with Russell Crowe having a huge laugh playing a bad guy.

Unforgiven is a bonafide classic, and plays like a homage to Clint Eastwood's Western career.

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I've actually seen the 3:10 to Yuma remake, mainly because Christian Bale was in it. I've also recently seen the True Grit remake which was fairly 'meh'. People criticised the posthumous oscar given to Ledger in TDK because "being a mad man in makeup is an actor's wet dream". I felt the same about Bridges in True Grit. Being a disgruntled, perpetually pissed, layabout with zero effort in his elocution is also a fairly easy thing for even a half-decent actor to pull off.

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