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The Film Thread


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Looking good.

The new Lisbeth isn't sexy at all :(

She shouldn't be.

That's kind of the point of her.

She's meant to be weirdly sexy!!

That's not how I read it.

Certainly not in terms of how she looks anyway.

I do think she was oddly attractive, there was a strange sexual charge with the original, its hard to tell from a trailer but my initial impression is that aspect will be lost.

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She was hot in my mind.

I agree on the remake front though, it needed done. The original Swedish one was good, but the rest weren't. I think Fincher could do a good job on the three of them.

I'm pretty sure I heard some Swedish accents too, so it's not exactly like those old war films with Germans running around saying 'Jolly ol' chap' and what not.

The Germans usually ran around saying Scnell, Raus and Donner und Blittzen :mrgreen:

I can see the point in the remake, Hollywoodising it is just a money making exercise, from that trailer it looks to be exactly the same film, with different actors talking in English.

It's being remade because America loves this stuff, it just doesn't do dubbing or subtitles, thats the point of it. I'll stick to the originals methinks

Oh and it's more Film4 than Channel 5, thats a good thing btw

I disagree to an extent.

it's obviously a money making exercise, the vast majority of films are.

But I think a decent film maker could have watched the original and thought "I could do better than that"

There's a lot of room for improvement.

if the original was brilliant then I could see the remake being seen as pointless (see the remake of "Let the Right One In")

But in this case I think there's a good chance the Hollywood version will be an improvement. I tlooks different enough to me. Seems to have a lot more atmosphere to it and be generally darker than the original, which was one of my complaints with the original film.

I also think that Lisbeth wasn't right in the first film. She wasn't as introverted and uncommunicative as the book makes her out to be so i'm hoping the new version addresses that.

It's not even really a remake. It's more of a new film just based on the same book, if you see what i mean?

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Looking good.

The new Lisbeth isn't sexy at all :(

She shouldn't be.

That's kind of the point of her.

She's meant to be weirdly sexy!!

That's not how I read it.

Certainly not in terms of how she looks anyway.

I do think she was oddly attractive, there was a strange sexual charge with the original

When you say original do you mean film or book?

Based on the book she had an elemnt of attractiveness, but it wasn't based on her looks. it was based on her attitude. A bit domineering, not taking any shit, mysterious.

it was the fact she wasn't aesthetically pleasing that made the attractiveness so strange and unique.

Obviously that's just based on how I read it

This is somethign the Swedish film got a bit wrong, imo.

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You need to read them Bicks. Took the trilogy on holiday for reading material whilst whiling away the hours by the pool. Cracking reads.

Nah I know how they end now :D

Seriously though, I do find it hard to read a book when I've already seen the film. I can however watch a film if I've read the book. Odd I know but it's just me.

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I've just been to see 'Drive' and I wasn't let down.

Good acting throughout, beautifully shot and the music in the film works really well. Therr are some very brutal scenes in it that are a bit shocking but they don't detract from the film.

It is more style over substance to be honest. However, that style works very well with the acting on display. I don't think this film will go down well with everyone as it does go slow at times. Plus there isn't really a good plot and there are times (especially the first 20-30 minutes) when dialogue is very thin on the ground.

I really liked it though and am glad it was worth the wait. Such a stylish film that I could forgive the lack of a good plot.

On another note, surely this or 'The Ides of March' will grab Gosling an Oscar nod. He has deserved one for a while and I hope that this time he isn't overlooked.

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Might pop to see that tomorrow along with 'Jurassic Park'. I spend far too much money on films...

I might go to see 'Drive' again at some point too. The more I think about it, the more I appreciate it for what it was.

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Saw TTSS a few days ago and I'm still not over it yet. One of the best films I've ever seen. Majestic performances from everyone, great story, attention to detail, non-formulaic. Just brilliant.

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Paris, Texas.

Loved it, and probably goes into my top 20 set of favourite films. It's a very slow film, especially in the first half and not much really happens but the visuals, the atmosphere, the dialogue and Harry Dean Stanton are outstanding.

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Paris, Texas.

Loved it, and probably goes into my top 20 set of favourite films. It's a very slow film, especially in the first half and not much really happens but the visuals, the atmosphere, the dialogue and Harry Dean Stanton are outstanding.

Must be getting for 25 years old now, Great Film.

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Saw TTSS a few days ago and I'm still not over it yet. One of the best films I've ever seen. Majestic performances from everyone, great story, attention to detail, non-formulaic. Just brilliant.

See, I can understand why people say this, it's a great story, brilliantly told but the film is still not a patch on the TV series.

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and exactly why i want to watch the tv series and read the book, I can imagine both formats being so much better than the film - which would have been fantastic with another 40min to an hour to pay even cursory detail to the suspects lives and the community of control as a whole.

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Might pop to see that tomorrow along with 'Jurassic Park'. I spend far too much money on films...

Dude, you should seriously think about getting a cinema pass, 15 quid a month, unlimited at Cineworld... Me and the missus must have saved a few hundred quid over the last year. What I love is going to see films you wouldnt usually spend cash on and being surprised!

Anyway, watched Killer Elite and Columbiana in one fell swoop yesterday. Both truely awful. Why De Niro opted to take a role in this turd is beyond me!

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The Film, not read the book.

Did you read the English translation of the book or the Swedish original? She might have been sexy in the original ;-)

Touché :D

Incidentally I'm the same when it comes to books and films as you. Can watch a film having read the book, but struggle to read a book if I've already seen the film

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Does Tom Hardy ever do a bad role!? He always seems to be good in everything he does. Same as Jim Broadbent.

Tom Hardy picks his roles very role. Anything dark, brooding and/or violent he's your guy. He's got the market nailed down, fine young actor indeed.

Finally got round to a few oldies recently including The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. All three leads smash it and the plot whilst a little bit flimsy in places lends itself to to them well. Remarkable direction, great scenery and I love the authenticity oozing from the piece. The guy who plays Tuco caught the eye for me.

Going to check out A Fistful of Dollars tonight.

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