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Chris Heck - President of Business Operations


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As somebody who knows that even making claims that are true through correct channels can lead to people with lots of money attempting to ruin your life with years of expensive defamation action, I would have advised that these complaints were addressed through correct channels such as employment tribunals, the health and safety executive and the FA and not posted on the internet.  I really hope they can't be identified but I respect their bravery.

Edited by Deano & Dalian's Umbrella
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6 minutes ago, It's Your Round said:

That doesn’t look good at all :(

It seems too detailed to be fake, none of what I read there would surprise me either. 

I do wonder how much people are willing to believe just because they don't like Chris Heck.

If it is true then there will be several employment tribunals surfacing soon. I'll reserve judgement until we have more evidence than an anonymous twitter post though.

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1 minute ago, djdabush said:

I do wonder how much people are willing to believe just because they don't like Chris Heck.

If it is true then there will be several employment tribunals surfacing soon. I'll reserve judgement until we have more evidence than an anonymous twitter post though.

Football clubs tend to settle these out of court and get people to sign non-disclosure agreements so we might never hear anything.

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Not going to jump to conclusions, but I've read through it and noticed the following;

- I don't know who wrote it, but it's not brilliantly typed up, there are a few mistakes you'd not expect from a proof read piece.

- the subject matter is very emotive and you'd hope it's not true, because the business practices taken are really poor (and American "firing without notice" etc).

- the crest stuff sounds plausible.  The tie photo thing with the "new new" badge should be easily proven as there will be photos somewhere.

- it comes as no surprise that the FAB is undermined, I think most clubs engage with fans begrudgingly.

But yea, interesting to see what the club comes out with.  The high risk stuff is employing Chris Heck and him onboarding a bunch of pals and dishing out contracts to companies he's been involved with.  That's all going to be fun if we can prove it (law wise).

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Its not a good look for the club whether these allegations are true or not

Though i do find the mental image of a respected executive constantly using the term c********r as if he is 12 years old and just discovered the word 😂

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When it was reported somewhere that McGinn was unhappy the trophies were removed from the tunnel to a corporate area by Heck and it was resolved by making a second European Cup replica for the tunnel I was surprised people here didn't pick up on the implications.

Players, ultimately, are staff and if we got to hear about this issue we need to recognise that there has been a culture shift afoot at Villa as a workplace.

My general impression has been Heck has really come in like a bull in a China shop causing unnecessary friction.


Edited by Captain_Townsend
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30 minutes ago, omariqy said:

Wonder where that has come from 

You don't need to wonder really, it's been leaked by internal members of staff at Villa to show that our CEO and his cronies are destroying the club. 

Bring back Purslow, all is forgiven. 

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6 minutes ago, Zatman said:

Its not a good look for the club whether these allegations are true or not

It's fairly safe to assume it's true. We already know they are telling the truth about the crest and the rest is far too detailed to have just been made up by someone trying to stir the pot. 

Edited by villa89
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22 minutes ago, Zatman said:

Though i do find the mental image of a respected executive constantly using the term c********r as if he is 12 years old and just discovered the word 😂

He's fresh off a decade in Philly. It's believable.

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12 minutes ago, villa89 said:

You don't need to wonder really, it's been leaked by internal members of staff at Villa to show that our CEO and his cronies are destroying the club. 

Bring back Purslow, all is forgiven. 

The big red flag is that many of the alleged incidents referred to in this letter would be clear breaches of employment law that ANY lawyer specialising in this area would be confident of winning (if true).  This would clearly be the route that almost all of the allegations should go down (and a lot of legal firms would take on with minimum up front fees).  So why instead write an anonymous letter, post it on an anonymous Twitter account and copy in a load of fan groups who have pretty much no power / scope to do anything?  It seems a very random approach.  Particularly as in many cases the proper approach is so blatantly obvious - take your position to any legal firm and they'd pretty much be able to tell you in 30 minutes flat whether you have a case or not.  I would imagine that if there were as many cases as alleged in this letter then there would be a lot of legal firms who would be more than delighted to have the opportunity for a big, straight-forward win.

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