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WAHEY! It's a JOKE thread : Enter at your own risk.


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A piece of string walks into à bar and orders a drink. The barman says "Oh no you don't, you were in here causing trouble last week. Out." So the string walks out. 10 minutes later he walks back in with a moustache and an overcoat. The barman says "do you think I'm blind? You're that same piece of string as before. Get out" so the string turns around and exits. Outside, the string bend himself in and out until he looks really different. Then he rubs his head vigorously on a lampost until he's roughened himself up a fair bit. He then waits another 15 minutes and reenters the bar and orders a beer. The barman looks suspiciously at him says "aren't you that same piece of string from earlier?" The string shakes his head. "No mate" he replies. "I'm a frayed knot."

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"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"


"I do not know anyone called boo, nor am I called boo. And if it an attempt to surprise me it has failed. Either way I see no reason to open the door. Good day."

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Two blokes sitting in a pub. The first guy says "you know what, I could have sex with any woman in here".

The second guy says "Oh yeah, how's that then?" The first guy says "Because I'm a rapist."

BEST EVER. Even the female co worker next to me laughed her ass off!!!

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Watched a program yesterday, "Scousers do the funniest things" or as the BBC insisted on calling it, "Crimewatch".

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