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18 minutes ago, Genie said:

I guess they are technically right, it’s like googling any symptom and it’s always “potentially” cancer. 99.9% of times it isn’t.

Eh? It was me questioning whether it was or not. The ever so reliable diagnosis was "I don't think it is, just keep an eye on it"

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2 minutes ago, bickster said:

Eh? It was me questioning whether it was or not. The ever so reliable diagnosis was "I don't think it is, just keep an eye on it"

Sorry, I thought from what you’d said this person had said it might be cancer without really knowing what they were on about.

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So after 1 week of the mass testing program in Liverpool.

Some approximate stats:

Population: 500,000

People Tested: 90,000

People found positive, that previously didn't know they had the virus: 300 (This is a complete guess based on 164 figure announced after about 4 days)

The rate has been falling across the region anyway, there are very few wards in Purple on the Covid Dashboard Map (Compare that eastwards towards Raintown and beyond - sea of purple) and the effects of this Testing will not be apparent in those figures for at least another week. The rolling stats are a week behind so anything announced today even will before any effect of the testing. Even "Lockdown 2" won't really be having much of an effect on these figures yet and I doubt it will given we were in Tier 3 for a month previously

So less than 20% of the population tested and they are encouraging everyone to go once a week

My conclusion is that the current set up isn't going to work as they imagined but they'll use the falling rate as part of the success story, even though it's falling anyway. 

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There’s interesting lock-down talks going on.   The government is worried that easing this lock-down is going to cause panic buying for both Christmas and Brexit.  That’s likely to cause a massive spike in infections and hospital admissions over Christmas.   But not opening the shops and restaurants isn’t going to be popular and will cause economic disaster for some companies.  But overwhelming hospitals over Christmas is equally unpalatable.    


Planners have been asked to consider what could be closed down in December or what new restrictions could be applied on us all to offset the shops reopening. Boris’s delay in implementing the lock-down is now acknowledged as a huge mistake.  At the time of writing there’s no good solution to this problem.  There’s bad solutions and very bad solutions.  This could easily see Boris thrown to the wolves by the Conservative MP’s.   

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8 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

This could easily see Boris thrown to the wolves by the Conservative MP’s.

Oh they'll wait until he's done "The Deal" first

Then we'll have another extreme throbber vs throbber contest and the extreme throbber will win

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17 hours ago, Genie said:

Might be specific to ours but it’s pretty much impossible to get through. They have a recorded message saying to try again later and no answer machine function.

Maybe we're lucky but ours have been really good to be honest. You get put in a queue, which is usually very long but it goes down pretty quickly, and then you arrange a phone appointment with a doctor. They call you and if you're in need of a face to face then you come in.

Prescriptions you can email the surgery and they fulfill it for you and send it to a nominate pharmacy. I've done it 3 times over the past 3 months and each time I've had an email or a text back in a couple of hours saying it's been done and it's at the pharmacy in 48 hours.


I've been quietly impressed. but that might be because my old GP surgery in acocks green was **** diabolical.

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17 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

The second U.K. lockdown was a terrible idea. 

If we'd have done it PROPERLY at any point, the virus would be extinct - people are too **** stupid to realise.


Shut down EVERYTHING for 1 month, it's gone. 

the economy will suffer WAY more as we are seeing, if we keep farting around, opening and closing things on a whim.

It's **** pathetic. 

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I think the lockdown was the right thing to do, but it was done 2 months too late.

You'd have thought we'd have learned our lesson from, you know, the first time this happened 6 months ago when we made the exact same **** mistake

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10 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

If we'd have done it PROPERLY at any point, the virus would be extinct - people are too **** stupid to realise.


Shut down EVERYTHING for 1 month, it's gone. 

the economy will suffer WAY more as we are seeing, if we keep farting around, opening and closing things on a whim.

It's **** pathetic. 

It would take a lot longer than a month. Melbourne got theirs under control (starting from much lower numbers) with 10 weeks of hard lockdown. 

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22 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I think the lockdown was the right thing to do, but it was done 2 months too late.

You'd have thought we'd have learned our lesson from, you know, the first time this happened 6 months ago when we made the exact same **** mistake

In any other walk of life having a team of experts advise you do something (on a life and death situation), ignoring them, then much later realising they were right and doing it in a half arsed way you’d be at least sacked and possibly sent to jail. Not our Boris though.

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17 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

It would take a lot longer than a month. Melbourne got theirs under control (starting from much lower numbers) with 10 weeks of hard lockdown. 

I don’t think the intention is to get it under control, it’s to take enough sting out of it until the vaccine is deployed so the NHS isn’t overrun.

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Elon Musk reckons he’s taken 4 tests in one day and two have come back positive and two negative.

Im currently sat in a private hospital having had some minor surgery this morning and it transpires that the staff here are tested once every two weeks.

You’d think they would be tested daily but then that might show up the tests for what they actually are potentially. I always found it odd that we magically came up with a way to prove that people have COVID-19 when we’ve never previously been able to test for any other of the COVID family of viruses (flu, cold etc), at least not to my knowledge anyway.

What if it did transpire that the tests are totally redundant and random, where would that leave us? 

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1 minute ago, Genie said:

I trust what he says even less than Nigel Farage.

Yeah I get that he’s a loony but I find it odd that nurses and medial staff are not being tested daily.

I’d love to know if anyone has taken a test every day for say, a week or longer and what the results were, whether it was consistent or not.

I don’t care if it’s deemed conspiratorial or not but I am becoming more and more concerned with the legitimacy of some of the news around all this, I don’t trust the media and I don’t trust the government so it kinda makes it hard to just accept everything as truth.

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1 minute ago, bannedfromHandV said:

Yeah I get that he’s a loony but I find it odd that nurses and medial staff are not being tested daily.

NHS wide instruction.Turn off the Test and Track App when at work. That tells you all you need to know

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