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What's your tipple this evening then?


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You rotten, rotten bastards.

I'm in Saudi Arabia. :evil:

I actually got a couple of beers the other night! Got an invite to an ex-pats compound, where there was a restaurant and a bar. The beer is actually local Barbican alcohol free stuff. However, they somehow re-brew it so it has an alcohol content and call it beer.

If that stuff came out of a horse, you'd call a Vet in sharpish. Awful.

Still, I'm off to Dubai for a couple of days on Wednesday, where I'm told it's only seven quid a pint. It's gotta be done though....

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I currently have a Guinness and a 16 year old Bushmills sitting in front of me. Which means I'm in flavour country and couldn't be happier :D (though I'm sure I'll get happier as the evening goes on).

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I'm not saying. That porn freak will be impressed though.

I assume you refer to moi, and I also assume you refer to the mighty Amber jack.

Well done Rusty :-)

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