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7 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Got to level 5. Local gym has an 868 CP pokemon. How the hell do I take that on. I quit.

I thought that but you soon start catching much higher level Pokemon as you level up. 

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Also you get 6 of your pokemon to beat any pokemon at a gym. And as a rule of thumb you can beat a higher CP pokemon than yours (not always, but a lot of the time)

So if the gym is held by one 868 pokemon you could probably take that with 6 pokemon all around 100CP.

My gf took a gym tonight (her first) held by a 600+ CP pokemon and she only had 2 pokemon over 100CP

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3 hours ago, Ginko said:

If you could exchange candies then you'd probably find people starting up multiple accounts and then feeding all the candies into the main account, so it's probably best they don't in case it gets exploited. Saying that it may already be being exploited unless some people are either spending far too much time and money on this game, as some of the gyms in Nottingham are protected by insanely high level Pokémon. I don't think I'll ever have a chance.

It's performed pretty well for me today but I did see my first Pikachu only for the game to crash when I caught it. It didn't count when I rebooted <_<

That said I did catch a Slowpoke, a second Squirtle, an Eevee and a Horsea on my bike ride home today. I did fall off my bike at one point due to being distracted by my phone, think I've bruised my ribs. My own stupid fault I suppose. Will it stop me? Nope.


Fo' real - the gyms in Nottingham centre have stupidly high Pokemon on them. 

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14 hours ago, zak said:

yes but how many eevee candies did the eevee come with. mine came with enough to evolve it straight away.


Although i do feel your pain my other 10km hatch was a god damn Jynx, which i have had 10 or so of already and it doesnt evolve. GRrrrrr

Ahhh that makes a lot more sense! Thanks! Now I have a Flareon which is my most powerful Pokemon.

I take back everything I said!

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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

Also you get 6 of your pokemon to beat any pokemon at a gym. And as a rule of thumb you can beat a higher CP pokemon than yours (not always, but a lot of the time)

So if the gym is held by one 868 pokemon you could probably take that with 6 pokemon all around 100CP.

My gf took a gym tonight (her first) held by a 600+ CP pokemon and she only had 2 pokemon over 100CP

All Pokemon types have a counterpart that they are strong or weak against.  If you can, attack a gym with a pokemon that does double damage, and you'll have no problems.  Plus you can try to dodge attacks, although this isn't as easy as they make it look online.

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5 hours ago, Davkaus said:

You can if you live in a well populated area, and sink a lot of time in to it. 

Yep, my housemate catches the bus to work down a main road, so there are Pokestops **** everywhere on his way, then he can access 3 pokestops from his work lunchroom because he's in the Adelaide CBD. He's almost overtaken a week of work for me after about 2 days.


There is definitely a huge bonus from living or working in a densely populated area.

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I work next to a historical landmark that hasn't been made a Pokéstop. I sent Niantic a request to make it into one yesterday since my workplace is currently situated in no-pokémon's-land :blush:

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10 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

Got to level 5. Local gym has an 868 CP pokemon. How the hell do I take that on. I quit.

I caught a level 600 the other day. A few power ups and it's level 900 now.

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Caught a CP226 Eevee last night. Highest thing I've caught. Hopefully catch a few more today so I can evolve her.

Also had a decent night. Caught a Jynx (Did catch a Staryu but it froze and didn't count. Still comes up on my 'seen' Pokemon though ¬_¬), hatched a Sandshrew and evolved Ratatta. I'm nearly level 9 but I got told I get an egg that doubles XP then, so holding off evolving Kakuna and Metapod until then. Few more Zubats too and I'll have me a Golbat.

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Bloody caught a high level eevee todqay three times and the thing crashed when i caught it. yesterday was wierd i caught a machop and a machoke right next to each other was great didnt even have to worry about evolving machop

i have 58 in total now

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10 hours ago, ThunderPower_14 said:

There is definitely a huge bonus from living or working in a densely populated area.

Absolutely this. Think it needs some balancing and still incredibly buggy but it's still fun.

not really had a chance to do gyms but it is crazy how tough some people already are. In Canary Wharf today and there is a snorlax that's over 1700cp...! Luckily it's my "team" but still. Would be nice to catch other Pokemon as well as starting to get pretty bored of Pidgeys/Rattatas!

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I'm catching every Pidgey I can find and waiting to get a "Lucky Egg".  Pidgey only take 12 candy to evolve, and each evolution gives you 500 trainer XP, which a Lucky Egg doubles.  XP FARMING TIME.

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Btw how is everyone finding the data usage? 

I've used less than I expected to be honest; seems to have been roughly 100-200mb over the last week or so and that includes everything else. I thought it would eat it all up in a few days...

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