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Aston Villa Protest Group


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12 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Yep, me and Mark. We're all the way through the video actually. It's a nice feature, except I kept talking over Mark! Sorry bud... :blush::blush::blush:

I had an inkling it might have been. Nice one lads, you came across well. 

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Have to say fair play. I thought you'd blown it when you decided to postpone the protests after a great start. But you've moved it on a level with an excellent idea using banners. I look forward to what you guys come up with next. 

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Lads and lasses with only a few days before the next home game we are trying to come up with something we can do that is both simple and effective and requires very little resource both physical and financial.

We have an idea of asking supporters to come in to the stands 7 minutes after kick off. This is a doff our cap to our proud top flight history and 7 top flight titles and also mimics Lerner in that his seat is always vacant at kick off and remains so. We are still very much about asking questions of the owner and have two requests still to be actioned. In a broader sense we are all about keeping up the pressure on the club to ensure action is taken to ensure we have a much brighter future especially now at a time when we are without a manager . We think this is a simple and effective way of keeping up that focus/pressure.

Going forward for the Southampton and Newcastle games we are happy to have other suggestions thrown at us and are definitely looking at a more party feel against Newcastle with inflatables etc and will be looking at setting up a crowd funding page and asking for more help in terms of manpower that allows us to undertake more creative forms of protest. With limited resources and time though we now need to go with a simpler idea. We will in addition to entering the stands 7 minutes after kick off still be asking supporters to display their own banners with their own messages but won't this time be able to supply them.

Your continued support is very much appreciated and is in fact vital to us going forward.

Edited by markavfc40
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Further to Mark's post above we are still ACTIVELY encouraging banners out on 74. The fans need to go and own this though, you wouldn't believe how difficult it is getting 5,000 A3 banners designed, made and distributed in 3 weeks never mind 5 days!

Many people want to protest the players in some way, well both ideas fit in with that too. Particularly banners. It's just not our particular agenda and to be fair, we can't be all things to all men. We will always try and bend wherever we can regardless.

We are thinking either wait in the concourse for 7 minutes or at a couple of meeting points outside the ground. Get as much press involved as possible. Singing Lerner Out, Pride of Birmingham, We shall not be moved, We'll never die etc...

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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2 hours ago, ismail-villa said:

Maybe something on the last home game would be great. If (that's a big if) they players do a lap of so called 'honour', that would be a great chance for a protest (e.g. waving white flags).

I just cannot conceive of a situation where the players would dare do a 'lap of honour'. Mind you this is Aston Villa so they probably will.

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I just cannot conceive of a situation where the players would dare do a 'lap of honour'. Mind you this is Aston Villa so they probably will.

Yep, I was thinking that. They can't seriously think of actually doing one.

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I think it is actually called a lap of appreciation where they show their appreciation to the fans for our support. Really they should still do it but I just can't see it as they will get dogs abuse. They should front up though but any challenging situation they have faced this season they have bottled and I can't see that changing immediately following the last home game.

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23 minutes ago, MuleAthon said:

How about turning our backs on a certain minute? Like "the poznan" but significantly less overjoyed.

Was considered, too ambiguous we think. It's perhaps too "team specific" and easily misconstrued. 

4 minutes ago, Supervillan78 said:

2 minute silence on the 74th minute paying respect to our tragically dead club?

We don't want to suggest that the club is dead. We're not quite in Charlton or Blackpool's position, yet. Our aim is to prevent that from happening. Though we did brainstorm a few things along those lines. If we ever went full on with that, it's a great one for the bank. 

We're intrigued to hear what you guys think about the 7 minute stay away and how that might work in the wild. Help us flesh it out a bit more. Or if you have major doubts about it, explain. You can be fairly confident we can make it work!

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22 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Was considered, too ambiguous we think. It's perhaps too "team specific" and easily misconstrued. 

We don't want to suggest that the club is dead. We're not quite in Charlton or Blackpool's position, yet. Our aim is to prevent that from happening. Though we did brainstorm a few things along those lines. If we ever went full on with that, it's a great one for the bank. 

We're intrigued to hear what you guys think about the 7 minute stay away and how that might work in the wild. Help us flesh it out a bit more. Or if you have major doubts about it, explain. You can be fairly confident we can make it work!

I'll support any reasonable protest action to get the club back on track.

I know others have suggested a sit in at the end of home matches also.

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