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The 2015 General Election


General Election 2015  

178 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you vote at the general election on May 7th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Lib Dem
    • UKIP
    • Green
    • Regionally based party (SNP, Plaid, DUP, SF etc)
    • Local Independent Candidate
    • Other
    • Spoil Paper
    • Won't bother going to the polls

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I'd have to question the attacks on Ed like today's from Fallon.... It gave Ed the chance to reply with some dignity and compassion and made him look good.. Definitely back fired

I get the idea that they need to push the SNP / Labour thing but it shouldn't be so negative and so personal

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Indeed. This 'backstabbing' thing is nonsense. There was a leadership election, two of the candidates happened to be brothers, one of them won, so what? 


I'm not particularly a fan of E. Milliband, but he's been starting to look a bit more confident and electable in the last week or so. 


Long way to go yet, though. 

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I'd have to question the attacks on Ed like today's from Fallon...

If the content of Fallon's article in The Times was as reported by other media outlets (ones without paywalls) - by which I mean the backstabbing comments - then I think it's an utter disgrace that the Secretary of State for Defence came out with that stuff.

I'd have no problem with Fallon questioning Labour's position on Trident and even calling in to question whether the electorate can trust what is being said by the Labour party on the subject but to take a PMQ joke and try and make a serious point whilst holding an office of state is appalling and pathetic.

It has Crosby's grubby little hands all over the copy.

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The Eds are doing well because Tories can't target the rich, in fact instead of keeping schtum Cameron and co are willingly falling into traps set for them e.g. non-doms.

I thought it was highly noticeable that Balls has been moved more into the background ever since the economy picked up ( on paper at least for the sake of stopping long discussion about how it hasn't )

He's kinda lost his arguement which to be fair to him I read him saying in an article 4 years ago could very well happen to him if the economy picked up but he would still stand by his view that his plan was better than the Tory one

Alas his party don't seem to agree and they kinda promoted Burnham to the front line high profile role as they decided to make the NHS their key battle ground and Balls hasn't been as prominent since

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On the wider point, that's an interesting philosophical position. Borders are certainly flawed but they also serve a number of useful functions. What society do you envisage without them?

It's tough to answer that other than seemingly glibly by saying 'better and more free' (or even better by being more free).

It's not that I don't think your question warrants more than the glib as I think it does but it's rather that I don't have the (detailed) answer for a perfect political system*.

I can imagine that there would be many problems posed concerning a lack of borders for which my principle of open borders would not have an answer but I don't think that invalidates the idea nor, perhaps, would that nullify the problems that borders may cause nor even address the absurdity of the concept (as imagined/accepted by us now).

*I'd like to quote Hammond in Morris's News from Nowhere, "...we are very well off as to politics - because we have none."

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more in-depth quiz.


92% green

64% labour

48% lib dem

-5% tory

-56% ukips


'Left, Authoritarian, strongly Eco-friendly, and strongly Progressive' they say.


Interestingly I got a different result from the one I got in the other one (which sort of confirms my loaded question theory that Chindie elaborated on)


I did 3 levels of the test  ...



Tory - 87%

Lib Dem 41%

Ukip 38%

Labour 33%

Greens - 27 & .. yep it really does say minus 27



Right, in the Centre, Progressive, and strongly Militarist


interestingly on Military I think I only had 3 questions .. keep Trident , get involved in over sea Military action when required and Fight IS in Iraq  .. of which I agreed with all


which makes me Genghis Khan according to this survey !!

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Interestingly I got a different result from the one I got in the other one (which sort of confirms my loaded question theory that Chindie elaborated on)

I did too - more Labour-y than than the other one, and -50 on UKIPs.

Left, in the Centre, strongly Eco-friendly, and Progressive


which makes me Genghis Khan according to this survey !!

Well, obviously :). Would Sir like a fresh baby to chomp?

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Oh God.. 94% Lib Dems.. Bluergh!


27% Greens - :( Thought I was greener than that, must have been the "Strongly agree with the HS2" question.

93% Labour - but then I have to vote for Cpt Pipsqueak

77% Tories - Meh

-39% UKIP - Huzzah.


In the centre, Strongly Progressive, Eco Friendly and Militarist (because I hate baddies I suspect)

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71% Plaid - Beth?

57% Green - No surprise

57% SNP - Ciod?

35% Lab - Much lower than I'd have thought

17% Lib - Shows how flawed these tests are - last one I did I was LibDem to the core

-32% Con - Surprisingly high, for me

-84% UKIP - Satisfyingly good score

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