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Paul Lambert


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And here we are, we've come full circle again, back to the slagging off matches!


Strange that theboyangel likes this post when he is the perpetrator of such. There really are some petty, small-minded people on here.


I do, it makes me chuckle but let's get back to the debate of how much you hate Lambert... ;)

I dunno, I was kind of hoping that you would have posted the proof that renders me the pot, so to speak.

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There would be no point in sacking lambert because tbh I know for a fact that his replacement would be shocking and zero improvment. I have zero faith in our owners decision making.


It wasn't too long ago that we had won 2 on the bounce with one of those teams being top of league. Lambert does have his short comings but it doesnt help when ur best players are injured. The problem we have is when we lose the performance is always diabolical and i cant think of many games where we lost but gave a good fight. We are horribly inconsistent and on these runs we always look the worst team in the league. But i know we will pick up points before the end of the season as we all know one game the team suddenly click and look unbeatable again.


I have had moments where i have wanted lambert out normally after a crap defeat but realistically i think we should keep him.

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There would be no point in sacking lambert because tbh I know for a fact that his replacement would be shocking and zero improvment. I have zero faith in our owners decision making.

Another one of these facts. Is there a 2-for-1 special at Tesco on crystal balls that I'm not aware of?

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There would be no point in sacking lambert because tbh I know for a fact that his replacement would be shocking and zero improvment. I have zero faith in our owners decision making.

Another one of these facts. Is there a 2-for-1 special at Tesco on crystal balls that I'm not aware of?


its just an expression i know i have no facts no back that up. you'll find people regularly use the phrase when they have a strong opinion stop taking things so literal.

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It wasn't too long ago that we had won 2 on the bounce


...for the first time in how long?


too long but we still have picked up decent results this season as i said before our issue is consistentcy but this has been a problem at the club long before lambert arrived.

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After backing him for nearly 2 seasons after Saturday I now have serious doubts. I would love to be proven wrong but in all likelihood we are going to limp home this season and could well get less than 40 points like under McClueless. He has total backing from the board and the fans and we could end up virtually in the same position than when he took over in June 2012. There is no feel good factor at Villa Park, the football has largely been awful and he appears to have no answer to these problems. Sure I understand that under the cut backs by Lerner that we are got going to challenge the top 6 but surely we could expect to be okay at home and come mid table? It is really not asking that much. I would be delighted if he proved me wrong and that we have a storming campaign under his leadership next season, but who now can really see that?


Edit- Having had a look at our results I believe its 4 wins out of 18 in the league, no away wins since the 1st of January and 12 defeats at home including the cups. Not good enough.

Edited by The Fun Factory
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Fact!! There is no fact replacing Lambert with another manager we will be worse off.

Fact!! Any worse than Lambert and we will be relegated, something which even McLeish was able to save us from.

So the fact of the matter is......they would have to worse than McLeish and Lambert which the odds would be very against!!!

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Fact!! There is no fact replacing Lambert with another manager we will be worse off.

Fact!! Any worse than Lambert and we will be relegated, something which even McLeish was able to save us from.

So the fact of the matter is......they would have to worse than McLeish and Lambert which the odds would be very against!!!


It's a Scottish thing:



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Last season we finished on 41 points.


To exceed this haul we need to get a further 8 points from our remaining 6 games. Based on our current ratio of points to games it looks a tall order.


If we get 41 points or less this season will anyone see this as progress?

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Last season we finished on 41 points.


To exceed this haul we need to get a further 8 points from our remaining 6 games. Based on our current ratio of points to games it looks a tall order.


If we get 41 points or less this season will anyone see this as progress?


Dunno.  People were quite keen on doing that utterly tedious "points from the equivalent games last season" comparison thing earlier in the season, but that doesn't seem to be as popular lately.

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Last season we finished on 41 points.

To exceed this haul we need to get a further 8 points from our remaining 6 games. Based on our current ratio of points to games it looks a tall order.

If we get 41 points or less this season will anyone see this as progress?

Dunno. People were quite keen on doing that utterly tedious "points from the equivalent games last season" comparison thing earlier in the season, but that doesn't seem to be as popular lately.

They'll move on to focusing on our final position instead and just ignore our final points total. And if we manage to finish lower than 15th they'll move on to something else. Anything to avoid admitting they were wrong.

Edited by Isa
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Do not get the argument that points dictate progress. If you finished 2nd in the league with 85 points one season then finished 1st the next with 80 points thats progress. Or in our case if we finish 2/3 places higher then the last it means an extra 1 to 1.5 million  

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or putting it another way, we are likely to finish with around 38 to 39 points this season and stay up placed around 12 - 15... if we finish next season on 42 points but get relegated would that mean we have progressed

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Do not get the argument that points dictate progress. If you finished 2nd in the league with 85 points one season then finished 1st the next with 80 points thats progress. Or in our case if we finish 2/3 places higher then the last it means an extra 1 to 1.5 million

But you finishes higher because other teams did worse not because you did better.

TBH unless we win our final 6 games I don't see how anyone could claim improvement or progress.

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It is a difficult one especially when you factor in the positional finish.


I just think I would find it hard to go to my MD in my second year of employment and say:


"I haven't managed to improve the performance of the team of people that I control and I haven't improved our sales figures but looking on the bright side we didn't go bankrupt". 


I am not sure I would be offered an extension to my contract and a pay rise.

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