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$200 Million Takeover


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I can sense the xenophobia.

Strange, I never noticed it when potential Arab owners were menetioned just a few pages back.

That's because people are just generalising based on the most famous examples.


People associate Arabs with Man City and big spending whereas as Indians are associated with Venkys and their dreadful ownership of Blackburn. It's as simple as that. Americans are mostly neutral it seems.

I agree but then that isn't xenophobia because the fear of some is from the bad example of Indian ownership rather than the fact that they are foreign. Which is what the word 'xenophobia' means.


Xenophobia doesn't have to be a fear of every foreigner.

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The tags and tweet link have been fixed, as I said, somebody posted it earlier than they were meant to - or posted it without proof reading. It will be back up shortly I'd imagine.

They are not rich enough. It's as simple as that. If true, it's got disaster written all over it.

Selling to the wrong people could kill the club.


But as long as it isn't Randy ey!


Better the devil you know.. What have we all done guys :(

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I don't want owners from that part of the world, they just don't understand football and the passion that comes with it having not being brought in the culture. They just don't get it. Atleast Man Citys owners had more sense than cash. There is always a difference between owners who have inherited and those who have built there own empire and really understand the value of money.


My dads nepalese if you are being ridiculous and suggesting this is racist in anyway, which it isn't

Settle down, I never said it was racist so don't even go there. It is a bit of a baseless generalisation though

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I call bullshit. It mentioned James Milner as a gift for the Villa fans. Smacks of a small Heath fan winding us up. 


they are not intelligent enough to post something like this. i think someones getting sacked in the morning at that paper for leaking it

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Lorem itself pain he is amet consectetuer by itslef but the wrod as a investment a great idea to implement the ervey lteter by some the next time. In order to link to take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, role models, as well as from the selection below.I'm even willing to be your good material in the Online News, products, or that was a pain that the immune system and at the proper hatred of the asset that easy, but most exciting, however, the United States and a ready-oriented forms to the likelihood of pain the rghit pclae. For the moment, when our power no option Domingo mazim invest what you can do to roast. Symbolic not have the clarity of something; is the use of them in brightness in them that makes the reader.Investigations showed the readers to read me more often that they read. The brightness of the process is also dynamic, in consequence of a comment. It is a wonder to mark the Gothic than the letters, which they now do we think a little clear, anteposuerit letter form of humanity through the ages of the fourteenth and fifteenth. In the same way the types, now that we have seen so little of note, fiant the fixed period in the future.

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Something doesn't strike right with this article. If you have an exclusive you either break it as soon as you have it legitimised, or hold it off until a) your competitor gets a sniff or B) you have enough material to build it up and feed the interest the exclusive generates.

This does neither. It doesn't seem legitimate to start with.

The argument of an accidentally posted article doesn't either because no one else has followed suit which means there isn't enough evidence to back it up and secondly this website hasn't followed up with more stuff like an actual interview, a reputable quote or any real numbers. I can't see this being legit and I really hope I'm right.

I am however glad that we weren't on the market when Cellino was looking for an English club to buy....

On another note, this might seem ignorant but what is TBAR?

Edited by VillaDan1990
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Lorem itself pain he is amet consectetuer by itslef but the wrod as a investment a great idea to implement the ervey lteter by some the next time. In order to link to take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, role models, as well as from the selection below.I'm even willing to be your good material in the Online News, products, or that was a pain that the immune system and at the proper hatred of the asset that easy, but most exciting, however, the United States and a ready-oriented forms to the likelihood of pain the rghit pclae. For the moment, when our power no option Domingo mazim invest what you can do to roast. Symbolic not have the clarity of something; is the use of them in brightness in them that makes the reader.Investigations showed the readers to read me more often that they read. The brightness of the process is also dynamic, in consequence of a comment. It is a wonder to mark the Gothic than the letters, which they now do we think a little clear, anteposuerit letter form of humanity through the ages of the fourteenth and fifteenth. In the same way the types, now that we have seen so little of note, fiant the fixed period in the future.

This is the Google translate of the link now, couldn't work out how to put it in a quote on mobile, sorry.

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I can still get it from that link ? - Tell me its not back up

It's still on the website, just under a different web address. Presumably it was being fixed before they put it back up (or they weren't meant to post it)..... (or its a joke, on Villa fans, by a large Indian paper... Which is sounding like wishful thinking on our part tbh).
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I don't think people are bothered that they're Indian. It's that according to Forbes they're worth just over 500 million in English pounds and it would take 200 of that to buy the club in the first place. Plus the fact that they seem to have lost a lot of money recently.

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I don't think people are bothered that they're Indian. It's that according to Forbes they're worth just over 500 million in English pounds and it would take 200 of that to buy the club in the first place. Plus the fact that they seem to have lost a lot of money recently.

Tell that to the poster on TBAR who said he won't wear a burka, a blanket on his head or eat a curry.... ;)
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