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Everything posted by WhatAboutTheFinish

  1. Well the most effective way to get faster is to up your weekly milage and you should see results. If that isn't an option then I would definitely recommend turning one of your 5k's into an intervals session to get you used to running faster. Do the distance alternating 90sec running slightly faster than your goal pace (maybe for you around 5:30 min/km) and 90sec walking. Then each week (or when you can do the prior weeks session comfortably) either up the run time by 30sec or decrease the walking time by 30 sec. Once you're up to and mastered 5min run/30sec walk... just drop the walking and boom! A sub 30 min 5k!
  2. Sticking cocktail sausages in the chocolate fountains at bar mitzvahs? You haven’t been hanging out with the Labour Party Friends of Israel again have you?!
  3. If this government had come up with a policy that said ‘We don’t think people on low incomes know how to budget their money so benefit increases will be in the form of US style food stamps”, then I can only imagine the tizzy this thread would work itself into. So why this scheme has garnered such support I’ve no idea?! Is there a valid argument for raising the income of the poorest? Almost certainly. Is engaging in Maude Flanders politics the bests way to approach it? Probably not.
  4. Really? On the (Tory returning) electorate... On people who agree with a government position... So yeah, I can give you the battle of semantics in that the name calling isn't explicitly stated as "because they voted tory". Does that make the tone of the conversation correct? Do you think it makes people want to engage?
  5. If you look over even just this page you will see Tories being called racist, ignorant, thick as pigsh*t, words removed and evil words removed! Whereas no doubt I’ve just set up somebody for a ‘yeah exactly, right on’ response...it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that people don’t want to engage.
  6. You’re both absolutely right but I think the bottom image is shopped, (different shade of red used to the solid line), the original is drawn from his armpit. That said, both decisions are complete horse balls! The drawing of lines, and maybe even slow-mo, should be scrapped altogether for VAR. If you can’t spot a foul on the replay played at normal speed...then any mistake isn’t clear or obvious!
  7. It is shopped but I think you've reached the right conclusion with the wrong logic. Fairly sure the blue plaque is genuine, located at 22 Portobello Road.
  8. Haven’t you just listed the problem with centralisation and then advocated for more centralisation in the space of two posts?
  9. Boring aside: Spot the ball was never actually where the ball was because it’s illegal to gamble on an event that has already happened. There was a panel of people who would decide where they thought it was...then it was closest to that!
  10. Night time economy advisor “How about we just get one between two? “
  11. “That’s what my dad used to say before the accident” - Tim Vine
  12. Out of interest, is that a given? Would there be a postponement? Would Pence's name be on the ballot paper or would it still be Trump and you get Pence by default? I mean, haven't some postal ballots already gone out? Ironically, I think being dead might give Trump a huge boost in the ratings! (Oops @HanoiVillan beat me to it!)
  13. On the plus side, maybe they'll want to get around to prosecuting the other 750+ infringement proceedings against the current member states before this gets to court? *EU flavoured sauce
  14. Plus he's got history.. Plus other examples if you look for them.
  15. Sure. Trump first brings up Hunter at around 2:30 in the video when they are talking about links to Russia. Biden then brings up his other son (who died of a brain tumour not whilst in the military) to try to score a cheap point. Then it all kicks off. I can agree with @A'Villan that the support for Hunter was a nice touch, but the exchange didn't leave me feeling that Biden had much class or that he had any boundaries on topics to exploit for political gain.
  16. Class? Let's not forget this exchange came on the back of Biden throwing out his (go to?) dead son defence on an issue that he didn't want to, and didn't, address.
  17. Little known fact. 'Hungry for Custard' was the title of God's second studio album, a follow up to his hugely successful debut 'Let There Be Light'.
  18. I flicked on BBC and within 60 seconds Michael Vaughn said that it was time to hear from the "stat cave". I was straight back to Sky before they could wheel out Jeremy Vine with a 3D green screen infographic showing whoever gets the most runs at the end of the evening would end up the winner.
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