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Everything posted by Nicho

  1. Its Thursday where my optimism peeks each week. Then it goes down when I start to remember how Villa have been playing and I have to witness them playing again. I think my optimism will stay pretty high this weekend all the way up to game. By 5 o clock it could be a completely different feeling and at which point it could be unbearable to come on this forum. Ive not felt this interested or seen this forum so positive or atleast alive in discussion for a fair few years. Dont let me down Tim.
  2. Where is he being treated a 3rd world country? At his dads hospital
  3. The technology that put us on the moon was no more technologically advanced than a washing machine. We are more capable now but also more aware of modern technologies limits or are not willing to push them as far. Sending 5 people let alone 40 is suicide and should be considered mass murder if sent voluntary or not. Would like to see it though (not the death part)
  4. Nicho

    General Chat

    Never spent so much time in the main forum. how is everyone? Any rants I should read.
  5. Nicho

    Carles Gil

    after today i've got one as well But will you be back for Stoke? Read that as will you be able to stroke. Ow what you do to my fragile little mind Gill
  6. Harsh! I didn't like PL's management, but that seems a little brutal! And why the swipe at Glasgow? Because it was an indecipherable Glaswegian accent
  7. Was hoping Preston were going to beat Man United tonight I no longer care. west brom was probably the best draw as it's also a Derby.
  8. A lot of the people who are against Sherwood would have wanted a "bigger name" as part of their reasoning which is often judged by media coverage as well as reputation. I don't think there are many who would have made a bigger media splash than him. Being referred to as Sherwoods Villa in the fa cup draw for example is a reflection of how bigger news it it.
  9. Thus completing the quickest change of opinion in the history of VT Don't worry, there'll be another one along soon, when we lose a game or two. Just to set it straight, I haven't changed my mind and my saying he will be in contention for the England job wasn't meant as praise. It was more a comment on how easy it is to be linked with that job if your an English manager. I think Sherwood as a few other factors on his side too. Im trying to write a comment to reply to this but I cant without getting frustrated and getting some warning points Well that implies that you want to say something quite nasty. I haven't got a clue what there is to get worked up about from what I've written though. All I've done is dispute the idea that I've changed my mind and said that It's quite easy to be linked with the England Manager's job. If you have some strong words to say just say them against the post and not the poster and you should be okay I reckon. Or just send me a PM but I'm not getting into an argument lol. I just get very frustrated with your post useless, I dont want to post on poster this is a forum after all and you are entitled to your opinion. Your original post made no mention of the fact that you were mentioning him in the England frame not as a compliment or as way of saying its easy to get linked to the job, you have confused others by even mentioning it.
  10. Thus completing the quickest change of opinion in the history of VT Don't worry, there'll be another one along soon, when we lose a game or two. Just to set it straight, I haven't changed my mind and my saying he will be in contention for the England job wasn't meant as praise. It was more a comment on how easy it is to be linked with that job if your an English manager. I think Sherwood as a few other factors on his side too. Im trying to write a comment to reply to this but I cant without getting frustrated and getting some warning points
  11. Getting ahead of ourselves a bit. Do I remember you being someone who was complaining about Sherwood? Not that you cant change your opinion. Sorry If im mistaken.
  12. That big challenge in midfield nearly made me cry
  13. From this article written by Sherwood in October: http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/tim-sherwood-people-knock-young-english-footballers-but-the-under21s-showed-theres-talent-here-they-just-need-to-be-given-a-chance-9802904.html Thats a good article and reinforces the good feeling I have about Sherwood. Gives hope that in the future if given any money he will go out and purchase some bright young things with technical ability.
  14. I saw that this was on Netflix. Started watching but I dont think I was in the mood for a Terry Gilliam film.
  15. Not only did he not waste any time. Sherwood has been in Villa park a fair few times in the last 2 months or so. So the contingency plan that some pine for so much was alive and kicking.
  16. Will he get the chance to spend any time with the team today? Really looking forward tomorrow now.
  17. And would you want it any other way? One thing that seems to be showing through with peoples opinions on this appointment. Good or Bad we will now have a go and surely that is the best way.
  18. Pochettino has lost 8 in 25 so far in the premier league. Fairly similar records. Sherwood's record was worse than the bloke he replaced. He got found out very quickly and ditched by Spurs. An egotistical idiot and a tacticial dunce His total management career stretches 4 months and some are creaming themselves over him - beggars belief! Easily a bigger mistake than McLeish if he turns up which looks increasingly likely We have turned a respected, historic club into a complete laughing stock "We" have done nothing. The only thing "we" as a collective are responsible for is not being louder earlier during a couple of manager reigns and ensuring that the club didnt employ Steve Mclaren who some now clamour for.
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