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Everything posted by Designer1

  1. Still no change there then (and it's probably been my answer for 30 years). Those 6 Octaves can knock any style, language or genre out the park. He's a phenom.
  2. Latest offering from riff machine Tommy Victor - Noice
  3. On the final season of Top Boy and I have to say its been utterly superb. There hasn't been a single story strand that hasn't been well written and executed, and every single person in the ensemble cast has been on their A-Game. With only 3 episodes left im just hoping they land the ending...(no spoilers you lot ).
  4. #metoo Only a couple of hours though, and wfh so not too bad.
  5. And finished. Overall its a very good game but it's hampered by some pretty big flaws (enemy density being my main bugbear as its absolutely ridiculous in some areas) but the combat, variety of builds and world design itself are all good. I may return to go for the Platinum at some point but I'll need a bit of a break first after ploughing 80hrs+ into the first playthrough. Right, now to get stuck into Baldurs Gate 3.
  6. Didn't think it was on there yet? Early Nov iirc.
  7. If you're a horror fan (sorry Mike ) then you will NOT see many better examples of the genre this year than this absolute belter from Argentina: Brilliantly written and directed with top notch acting. Some genuinely 'oh my **** god!' moments as the nihilistic dread slowly builds to a satisfying final act. Showing on Shudder now and highly recommended.
  8. That's because he's an absolutely phenomenal actor, and one of the very best the UK has. I'm not really sure what 'professional scouser' means? He's played Americans in quite a few roles and has always been brilliant. He's also a bloody good bloke in real life. Maybe it's like me and my irrational dislike of Damien Lewis (I can't watch anything with him in).
  9. Just back from... It was OK, a decent bit of entertainment which I'm sure fans of the game will get a bit more mileage from. I did love those animatronic effects though - they nailed that.
  10. As @theboyangel says, he gave his usual excellent performance, although i would have liked to have seen him given a little bit more screentime.
  11. It flew by for me tbh. I didnt even have my usual mid movie piss I was so invested
  12. Completely agree. Very similar to comedy in that respect. Which is why it's always a beautiful thing when you find an off the beaten track gem (as I've done many times).
  13. Horror is like any other genre of film, it has some very good movies and some very, very bad ones. If like me you have a love for the genre, and know which writers, directors and actors to keep an eye on and do a little bit of digging/research then you'll find some absolutely brilliant stuff. Same sort of thing that applies to genres of music I suppose.
  14. Yeah I did create that. It was less that I was excited about the signing (I did think it was a good move though) and more a reaction to us having just lost Grealish to Man C. It was supposed to be a nice bit of levity given that most of us felt like we'd been kicked in the knackers.
  15. Really enjoying Swarm at the moment. You can tell Donald Glover is involved in the writing as there's definitely a bit of Atlantas off beat humour and darkness to it. Dominique Fishback is absolutely superb in the main role as the obsessed fan. It's on Amazon Prime if anyone is interested.
  16. Just back from... A masterful piece of work from Scorsese. Powerful, emotional and brilliantly acted by the whole cast (Lily Gladstone is deserving of her plaudits). I was engrossed for the entire 3 and a half hours. When people say they 'don't make em like they used to'. Well, Scorsese definitely does. Nailed on for my film of the year.
  17. On my deathbed at age 99, my family gather around to say goodbye. I give them all a puzzled look and then utter my final words: "How the **** did Steven Gerrard ever become Villa manager?" I then pass away, still none the wiser.
  18. A long overdue rewatch of this tonight: Superbly dark drama with Gael Garcia Bernal in his first English speaking role, alongside William Hurt (excellent as always) and an early role for Paul Dano. Well recommended if you are a fan of well written, tightly plotted drama with strong ensemble casts.
  19. I can very much attest to this. When my youngest was having their severe MH issues a few years ago, after much advice on their positive affect we decided to relent and get a dog (neither me or the missus were dog people and we'd always had cats) and she has been an absolute game changer for the whole family. I genuinely couldn't be without one now, as much as I love my cat there's just no comparison really. Humans don't deserve dogs, they are **** ace.
  20. Tickets booked for Sunday morning - can't wait
  21. One of my favourite movies from last year Roberto - absolutely love Robert Eggers stuff
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