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Everything posted by wazzap24

  1. Is that bit about the money true? Are you saying he has had £46 million to spend (net?) since he's been here? That spread out over the 5 windows so far, is £9.2m per window. And your saying that's more than 11 teams in the league over the same period?
  2. I **** love Star Wars JJ is gonna smash this one out of the park - I can feel it.
  3. There you go. Much appreciated. Thought Pete Colley asked the right questions - Lambert is just more than happy to avoid giving honest answers and will instead deflect. I'm not sure what else he can say to be honest? "Has Bent done enough for you"? "Well actually Pete, I'm glad to see the back of him. He barely puts a shift in in training and as you saw the other night, he doesn't seem mentally or physically capable of playing at this level" That would have been an honest answer, but what would that change? Ditto for the questions on pressure and Lerner. What should he have said? Randy is letting the club down? He's told me I'm getting the sack if I don't win the next two? Nothing he says will make much of a difference either way, other than to create more of a shit storm if he starts slagging ff the players and the owner? He needs results and an improvement in performances, neither of those will happen becuase of the answers he gives in a press conference
  4. Absolutely this. I get the sentiment and the calls for Cowans, Laursen, Mellberg etc, but is people with actual recognised coaching ability we need, not just someone who 'loves the club' I'm another for Meulensteen or someone like Mike Phelan
  5. Amazing? We've scored, what, 7 goals all season and it amazes you that fans would like to see a change up front? Yes amazing. Amazing that some people (80% my hairy arse) still think he's actually capable of doing anything for us. There is being desperate for a change and there is downright daftness. It's clear to anyone with even a 'postage stamp' knowledge of football that he's done for. It was absolutely painful watching him waddle around for 20mins against Southampton. It's not tactics, it's not style of play - he got injured now he's ****, fat and unfit. End of story.
  6. According to the mail 80% of fans wanted him in the first XI. I assume that 'survey' was only open to Blues fans and people with mental health issues? I think the championship is too fast and physical for him. He might still do a job in the MLS or the Aussie league, but I'd be surprised if does well at Brighton.
  7. He's a really good player, but needs players around him to compliment his skills. The reality is in Westwood, Delph, Cleverly and Sanchez, we have four midfielders who are more or less the same player, with slightly different attributes. Westwood reminds me of Joe Allen, except when Allen picks up the ball deep, he looks up to see Gerrard, Couthino, Sterling and Llana ahead of him, all moving off ball and looking to get in between the lines, not 2 players right beside him and a couple of statues out wide.
  8. That's exactly what you're saying too, just the other way round. Yes I am saying that. I fully admit that I don't KNOW that, it's just a hunch I have from the information we've been given around the situation. Which isn't much. You've avoided the question, predictably. Have you got ANYTHING to back up what you've said? Or have you just made it up? The only evidence I have is Lamberts own words when he said all footballing decisions are his and that the 'young and hungry was his idea. I also remember Faulkner saying the same thing? I honestly don't believe there is a manager out there who would let the Board controll the side that gets on the pitch and a lot of managers out there have quit at the first signs of such influence? My hunch based on what has been said? Right, so then he hasn't been told to play them or not either way? He wasn't told to create the bomb squad in the first place and he wasn't told to dismantle it this season? Even though you said he was told to play them, but can't actually support that claim?!
  9. This isn't the Lambert thread, but I wasn't aware of that fact (the bit about management telling him to play certain players) - can you back it up or is it just made up twaddle? Like others have said, he doesn't look the same player after his injury (he hadn't show much for us before that to be honest, but he was better than he is now) To be fair to the lad, he worked hard though. Tracked back and made some tackles/interceptions, nice to see him trying at least. Another serious ankle/Achilles injury, another busted flush. Seems to have lost that sharpness over the first few yards, just like Bent. I'd be tempted to go with Grealish instead for a game or two.
  10. Agree with Stevo - can't see how this can possibly be used as a stick to beat Lambo with. After a year out, he probably was slightly behind the others at the start of the season and a little way down the pecking order. Those ahead of him have done well (surprisingly so in some cases). Now he's got his chance and it's up to the others when they return to get the shirt back. It's the one area of the pitch I think we actually have decent competition for places and this is exactly how it should be.
  11. I'm going for Guardians of the Galaxy as well, it's a cracker of a film.
  12. Marco Polo Starts on Netflix December 12th - could be good?
  13. You should be chased through town by an angry mob and burnt at the stake for that comment, you joyless Heathen! You and your buddies that 'liked' the comment Either that or we let Rocket and Groot loose on your sorry ass.
  14. I miss Ray Donovan, Peaky Blinders and Suits. Walking Dead is holding its end up, but the rest just ain't battering my sausage at the moment.
  15. I'm surprised Queen haven't had more votes. A couple of decent tracks, but overall I'd rather listen to my car alarm.
  16. Variable speed limits on Motorways (mainly M42, but others too). On at Rush Hour on a Friday afternoon when it's rammed? Nope On a Sunday afternoon at 4pm with about 4 cars in view? You bet your ass they have got them on 50MPH Oh and changing from 60 to 50 to 40 in the space of a mile, then back up to 60, then back to 70 - all inbetween the space of a junction - WHAT THE ACTUAL **** IS UP WITH THAT?
  17. I went to see the man himself last night in Leeds. Interviewed on stage by Johnathon Ross. Arnie was great and knocked out a few lines from his various 80's/90's roles. The Terminator ones went down well obviously, but the stand out was a roaring 'GET TO THE CHOPPER' from Commando!
  18. Them earrings people are wearing that make really big holes in your ears.
  19. Are you still watching The Leftovers?I've just finished episode 6 and I still can't decide if I actually like it or not. It's a very odd and depressing programme, but equally it's intriguing and superbly made. I can't tell if it's actually going to go anywhere though?Anyone else watching it?I've kind of left it on the back burner. I decided after the second episode that it was something I wanted to watch but in big chunks, so I'm awaiting the season end before I dive back in. Big chunks!? I can barely manage an hour before I'm reaching for the anti-depressants!
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