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Everything posted by wazzap24

  1. 20 appearances in 2 1/2 seasons. Another player who took the money, rather than stay and develop by playing regularly. Not sure I want him at all, even on loan to be honest.
  2. You need to set up a VPN I think, I'd did It and it worked really well, but it wouldn't work with Chromecast so I went back to the UK version.
  3. Whichever one you choose, none of them have everything, so unless the content gets updated regularly you will be back to square one after a while I've tried Amazon Prime and it isn't as good as Netflix, but it's a newer service, so it might be a case of waiting to see how their original programming shapes up over the next few months. Amazons movie selection looks better, but Netflix's original programming and documentaries are far superior. Sky and Netflix are the best combo for me, but Sky is big ££££ compared to NF/AP, so if your on a budget I'd spend £12 per month and have both Amazon and Netflix.
  4. C) We are 12th in the league D) He has done well in the transfer market E) He inherited a squad lacking in quality and has had to build a new one on a paupers budget F) Awful misfortune with injuries Still tragic and not good enough, but it's more than just A+B
  5. Can we swap him for Will Hughes please?
  6. For me, one of two things need to happen. 1. Sack him now, get a new man in and give him £20m to spend in Jan ( step forward Scchhhhtevey Mac) 2. Keep him and give him £20m to spend Neither will happen and the likely option is 2, but he gets 20p and a bag of crisps to spend instead. Maybe our illustrious owner might sanction a cheap loan from somewhere as a Brucie on top. Whatever your view of the manager right now, no investment will mean no progress. Welcome to the New Year - it's the same as the old one.
  7. I've just watched Blackfish F**k Seaworld
  8. Or consistently being able to field his best side? We've mostly served up shit whenever he's played his best team. He ran out of excuses a long time ago and well you know it. Lambert's biggest (most expensive) signings: Benteke Kozak Okore Sanchez Remind me, how many times those four have played together in the first 11 again?
  9. This is kind of what I was alluding to a couple of pages back - how the different perceptions of the same result can depend on how that result came about, rather than the result itself. 3 teams, 3 managers and the target for all is 50 points. One team win their opening 16 games, draw two then loses the last 20 One loses the first 20, draws two then wins the last 16. One team bobs along winning a couple, losing a couple and so on. The end result is the same, but each would be viewed completely differently. I'm making the examples extreme to illustrate the point, but it's a valid one imo. Swap some of our results around so the run in the middle is broken up a bit and Lambert would not have had/be getting as much grief.
  10. You think 19 points out of a possible 45 is pretty good! As for us having 'turned the corner' this is exactly what I meant in my earlier post. Wait to see if the usual s**t period happens as it invariably does under Lambert. If it doesn't and we go marching on then brilliant. Depends on how you cut that cake. 19 from 15 would equate to 48 points over the season, a mid table finish and an improvement on previous years What we all want? No About right considering all factors? I'd say so
  11. What's interesting, is how the pattern of results can influence people's perception of performance as much as the culmination of the results themselves. If you look at the table right now in isolation, then I don't think anybody can say he is doing a 'bad' job this season. We are 11th and in terms of points, slap bang in the middle between relegation and Europe, pretty much the definition of 'mid table'. If we continue on the same pattern and the league is similar to the past 3 seasons, this will see us finish between where we are now and 9th. Align that with most people's expectations at the start of the season and that would be bang on where most of us thought/expected we would be. Had we had the exact same results so far this season, but spread more evenly across the 15 games, then I don't think he would have come in for anywhere near the level of stick that he has had (playing 'style' aside) It really is a funny old game.
  12. Yes, the current premier league teams since Lambo came - figures provided earlier in this thread (in the last week) a number of times should you want to search for them! Oh yeah because I'm going to look through a weeks posts to find them. These were his (Brumstopdogs) figures. They were posted in a response to me questioning the claim, so I only had to look at my recent posts. over the last 5 windows apparently, I was surprised. 1) Burnley: -£2.3m 2 ) Palace: £18.5m 3) Leicester: £14.2m 4) Newcastle: £19.4m 5) Southampton: £33.8m 6) Stoke: £23.5m 7) Sunderland: £37.6m 8) Swansea: £11.7m 9) Spurs: -£3.4m 10) West Brom: £15.4m 11) Everton: £18.2m Five seasons, not five windows. Well those were the figures he gave me when I questioned how 11 teams could have a lower net spend over the 5 windows since Lambert arrived.
  13. Yes, the current premier league teams since Lambo came - figures provided earlier in this thread (in the last week) a number of times should you want to search for them! Oh yeah because I'm going to look through a weeks posts to find them. These were his (Brumstopdogs) figures. They were posted in a response to me questioning the claim, so I only had to look at my recent posts. over the last 5 windows apparently, I was surprised. 1) Burnley: -£2.3m 2 ) Palace: £18.5m 3) Leicester: £14.2m 4) Newcastle: £19.4m 5) Southampton: £33.8m 6) Stoke: £23.5m 7) Sunderland: £37.6m 8) Swansea: £11.7m 9) Spurs: -£3.4m 10) West Brom: £15.4m 11) Everton: £18.2m
  14. 4-3 Villa Tekkers hatrick Inc injury time winner. Boom
  15. Credit to him for the team selection tonight. Cole from the start plus a front three is bold. Let's hope they actually go out and play.
  16. I think it's actually gone pretty decent again!
  17. Was it really stripped to the bare bones? You could argue Lambert's involvement in the bomb squad meant that many players values were vastly reduced when that was created. Regardless he took a team that was 16th (under Mcleish) and that wasn't deemed good enough. From that point only 8 teams have a net spend higher and we're often as bad as we were under Mcleish IMO. Other managers have also managed to develop players and sell them on at a profit in order to then strengthen the squad. Who are the players Lambert has made a profit on? He hasn't sold anyone of any note though yet has he? If if we put the following up for sale in Jan, I would argue we would make a profit on every one of them; Benteke Vlaar (even with 6 months left) Westwood Senderos Richardson Cissokho his other 'big money' signings (Okore and Kozak) have suffered long term injuries, so hard to say how this would have gone. plus I would argue that Weimann and Baker are worth more than when he arrived and I'm sure someone would pay a few quid for Grealish (who our awful manager convinced to sign a deal, despite alleged interest from 'big clubs')
  18. To start off with: Club A: Has Delph Club B: Has Aguero Therefore to start off with Club B is ALREADY in a superior position than club A as it ALREADY has a superior and more valuable player. Both teams then, in your example, increase their net transfer spend by £8m. The final outcome is club A is still superior therefore totally logical! Exactly, club A is still superior but that isn't shown by just looking at the net transfer spend. The net transfer spend is the same but that doesn't refect the quality, or cost, of either squad. Yet thats what you're doing, just looking at the net, even though, as you say above, that two clubs could have the same net and yet have a massively different cost & quality of squad. Come on Pongo, don't get trying to be logical about it, you are getting In the way of the witchunt!
  19. I'd say that the problem is that he's got to the point where the areas that need improving are the ones that cost serious money: AM's and maybe wingers. Yep. It's ok people saying the squad should be better balanced and we should have more attacking talent, but despite The fact he's had a bit more than I thought, £9.2m per window is not going to buy you an array of quality forwards and attacking midfielders. maybe we don't need an array ....just a bit more than one or two being right. Totally agree. And in fairness the two attackers he has paid anything like decent money for have looked pretty good. Same point remains though, £9.2m doesn't buy you much and it buys even less at the top end of the pitch.
  20. I'd say that the problem is that he's got to the point where the areas that need improving are the ones that cost serious money: AM's and maybe wingers. Yep. It's ok people saying the squad should be better balanced and we should have more attacking talent, but despite The fact he's had a bit more than I thought, £9.2m per window is not going to buy you an array of quality forwards and attacking midfielders.
  21. Is that bit about the money true? Are you saying he has had £46 million to spend (net?) since he's been here? That spread out over the 5 windows so far, is £9.2m per window. And your saying that's more than 11 teams in the league over the same period? Yes £46m net since he has been here. Just happens to be considerably more than the following teams across the same period: 1) Burnley: -£2.3m 2 ) Palace: £18.5m 3) Leicester: £14.2m 4) Newcastle: £19.4m 5) Southampton: £33.8m 6) Stoke: £23.5m 7) Sunderland: £37.6m 8) Swansea: £11.7m 9) Spurs: -£3.4m 10) West Brom: £15.4m 11) Everton: £18.2m Yes, he has been working under wage restrictions (as a number of other teams have been) but on transfers on a net basis only 8 teams in the current premier league have spent more. What a shambles he has made of it. Blimey. There's a couple of special cases in there (spurs and Southampton) given the amount they have brought in from sales, but I still thought we would be lower down the spend league to be honest. I don't think he's made a shambles of the spend though to be fair. We are playing like a shambles, but on paper the transfers look pretty decent.
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