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Everything posted by mikeyp102

  1. We wouldn't his dives wouldn't work outside of old Trafford
  2. The Defoe deal is pretty much for with him being loaned back til march
  3. Angel Di Maria getting investigated for grabbing his crotch web being substituted (sorry in phone so can't post link)... The video of it is pathetic he has just readjusted as all men do, wouldn't even have noticed it
  4. Whatever happened to that Swedish kid (Abdo was it?) who came in saying he would be in the first team quickly and destine for bigger things? Does he play much? Does he stand out?
  5. Where's the accountants on the site who can provide us more explanation as to why this might occur
  6. Any manager is sacked due to under performing in their role. Lambert isn't doing this. The football may be awful at the moment, but the team is not under performing. You're right - let's ignore goal difference and focus on the most important stat of all - 11th in the Premier League table. Not a sackable offence homie. Lambert is not under performing??? Then where has the football gone from the end of last season, begining of this season. ya know when we were a entertaining team to watch a winning team The sesults have improved! You want entertainment then go to the cinema. Its a results driven business, do you think I'd be more happy leaving a game that wed lost 4-3 that was great entertainment or one we'd won1-0 with just one shot on goal. At the end of the day the result is what matters. I've never heard of a manager being sacked for not entertaining the fans. It is an entertainment though. That's why millions of people pay to watch the game. As for managers not been sacked for failing to entertain, there have been numerous occasions.. Madrid sacked many managers even when they won the title as they weren't playing entertaining football. Mourinho first time at Chelsea same reason. Hell even megson at Bolton did.
  7. Why do you say that? I think he's got a chance I Think he is implying he will be playing at a team better than us in 5 yrs
  8. Does he score or play much for Blackpool?
  9. Agree with this, can we not sign proven quality at this level? Is it too much to ask of this inept manager? But it's a cover signing for Kozak. Not a first choice player. I would hope we sign more experienced players in the positions we desperately need to fill. Exactly. It's not like he would be earmarked to replace Gabby or Benteke, but a useful option on the bench. IF he came, I'd expect Bowery and the Fonz to be shown the door, thus improving squad options. Bowery isn't going anywhere
  10. Can't say I know anything about him. If he has pace and good ability on the ball then he may challenge Weimann. Would be weird signing if funds are that low and it take away from an experienced player which is needed more
  11. I saw that jack is a couple short of being NC's top scorer. Wouldn't it be great if he did finish as top scorer for them
  12. Not that lambert would get sacked for that position. But if he did and moyes was available then absolutely we should go for him
  13. Walcott is a big loss for England, but not a massive one (still a loss though) for arsenal. Whenever he had played this yr gnarby looks like he will be a fantastic player and think he will have a big role to play this yr. Wenger does do a good job of bringing through youth players
  14. The first series of smiths reign doesn't have the best story lines, some were lacking for me. But you will find that smith captures the role of the doctor really well. He grows into it, getting better as the series' progress
  15. Kissing but no tongues, and nothing below the waistline. Except after a mom performance then anything goes
  16. Well it is January and we've been told to expect 2 possibly 3 players. So I think we should wait until February to see if anything has changed. I concur
  17. That ignores the bigger picture. We've currently* got a similar record to McLeish, despite what Lambert has been told to do and has done to the wages. The fact that we're 18 months into what Lambert is doing and he has managed to not allow that to affect our league position should be reason enough to give the man more time. Or are people really that unrealistic to think that a manager who is shopping in the bargain basement because of the owner should somehow have us higher than 11th in the league than a man who had a much higher wage bill? If that really is what some people are asking for then they they're obviously not going to be happy, because they are making unrealistic demands at this point in time. * McLeish subsequently fell down the league. We haven't actually done that yet. I'm not expecting higher than 10th so 11th is in line with this. However, at this moment in time I could quite easily see us dropping down the league, similar to McLeish's season. Yes the circumstances are very different, but the team are so short of form and confidence that I really struggle to see who we are going to get many points off. The football is dire to watch, we can't create chances and without vlaar we struggle to keep clean sheets. Now I'm not saying sack the manager but something needs to change. Be it a new signing or having a youth player being given a chance, anything to give the team a lift
  18. I didn't realise that the season has finished?"Year on year": compare where we are now to where we were twelve months ago. There isn't much difference to where we were with Mcleish thought so I'm not sure we have improved any at all under Lambert and let be fair that's a very low yardstick to begin with. I'm pretty sure we have improved since McLeish. And yet we have a similar record this season at this stage, that McLeish did at the same stage of his season
  19. I hope we have someone in before arsenal. It will lift the crowd an give some optimism. Lets face it on a cold miserable Monday night having just lost to lower league opposition and about to face the league leaders we aren't likely to be in a very optimistic mood.
  20. Watching lichaj being able to defend at lb shows what we are missing.
  21. I really starting to think that Lambert is reluctant to put any of our youth players in. How old is GG now? I'd be gutted if he left and had even a half decent career (say matching his brother) without getting a chance here
  22. Really thought he would play. Another strange decision to move lowton there
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