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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. Jesus, imagine if it was an inch either side, it could've blinded him and end his career. I've heard Mings done this to Zlatan to?
  2. Highly unlikely, he's only scored one career goal.
  3. Leicester and Liverpool winning the title in my lifetime gives me hope!!
  4. Gonna go out on a limb here and say, that deal would've happened with or without her anyway. Anyways best of luck to her.
  5. Have to say the new keeper has been excellent so far.
  6. 4 - 1 I can believe but 40 - 1? I'm not having it.
  7. Barry Bannan confirmed?
  8. You took her to Wales and she still said yes? Blimey. Only joking mate, congratulations to you both!
  9. Can see why I don't view these forums much these days.
  10. Shin splints are a right bitch. But can say that mine disappeared completely with rest and I'm hoping it's the same for Jack.
  11. A shame that he drops every ball that he needs to keep though.
  12. Can you stop calling people who voted to leave the EU racist please? (And yes I'm fully aware I'm walking into different insults here)
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