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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. This is dire, it starts with the keepers. Our keeper refuses to go with a quick throw when we have space will let them reset, then try a slow pass which one inevitably gets closed down then lumped upfield. Dinosaur football.
  2. It's actually a really good advert, he can really act!
  3. Green, Grealish, McGinn and Tammy together is gonna be magic!
  4. They were running at pace and Sharp smartly nudged him. Think you're being extremely harsh there.
  5. The quality of referees in the championship is horrendous. We were just getting back into the game as well.
  6. But credit where it's due, he has been putting a shift in both defence and attack.
  7. Jesus, imagine if it was an inch either side, it could've blinded him and end his career. I've heard Mings done this to Zlatan to?
  8. Highly unlikely, he's only scored one career goal.
  9. Leicester and Liverpool winning the title in my lifetime gives me hope!!
  10. Gonna go out on a limb here and say, that deal would've happened with or without her anyway. Anyways best of luck to her.
  11. Have to say the new keeper has been excellent so far.
  12. 4 - 1 I can believe but 40 - 1? I'm not having it.
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