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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. I'm too young to remember him myself, but will be eternally thankful for what he did for us.
  2. How long was Coady allowed to do his boots up for?
  3. Yeah no reason to be butt hurt about this. It's England's loss not ours, or Jack's for that matter.
  4. You'll probably find that most voted leave. That might be the actual issue you're having.
  5. I'm not the biggest Wes fan of yet (mainly due to his diving) but to say Haller was twice the player based on last nights performance is strange. I didn't notice Haller playing, did he even create a chance or take a shot?
  6. How can they be favourites if you've given them a 30% chance?
  7. Anyone able to give me a hand making a chant for Engles to the tune of Angels by Robbie Williams? I'm not a wordsmith by any stretch of the imagination. All I've got so far is an idea around this... And through it all... He offers us protection. Shot, block or deflection. Whether on the right or left. I know there's some geniuses in here that can make this work!
  8. Thanks, I couldn't sleep until I knew for sure.
  9. Sorry but Jota is bloody amazing! Changes the complexity... I think that's the word.
  10. Grealish has been fine, just nobody calling for him.
  11. Green getting way too much hate on here.
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