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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. Because of the shitstorm... It'll happen eventually (when the outrage has died down)
  2. I reckon Carles Gil under Smith would be a sight to behold.
  3. Delph is a great player. Him being immature doesn't take anything away from that.
  4. Do you have a link to some of those articles please mate? I kinda need a decent read about the Villa after my works Christmas do!
  5. We're going to struggle for promotion unless we strengthen in January. Why did we let Bruce last so long?
  6. Sorry if this had already been posted but it's just brilliant.
  7. Can't say I blame him, he's had a shit time recently but hopefully he's ok.
  8. Is McGinn on international duty this weekend?
  9. I mean if it was Bruce that persuaded him to come then yes, it's only fair. Bruce may have failed as a manager here but that's no reason to hate him.
  10. Yeah but how would he then get a car given to him for free?
  11. This will be a great game! Fingers crossed for a positive result.
  12. He's been bloody awful mate. Villatalk does have its crazy moments but this definitely isn't one of them.
  13. Came to say Taylor is the worst player I've seen in a Villa shirt for a long long time, but I think that's already been covered by several posts.
  14. We be a great side if we had a stronger defence.
  15. You've basically took every unique strength about him and turned him into the genetic footballer, well done.
  16. Credit where credit is due, that was a classy goal. Great movement, positioning and passing. One day!
  17. Aye, but he'd take out half their team with him. The guy hits like a truck!
  18. **** me will some of you just be bloody positive for a change!
  19. Well for Aston that is an exotic name.
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