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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. Plenty of great stuff already covered. Here's some that I don't think have had a shout yet...
  2. Touch is missing that signature-DiCola epic synthesizer breakdown, of which Dare is probably the greatest example (just shading out Rocky IV's Heart's On Fire). It's a hill I'm willing to die on AND I'VE GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO TONIGHT THAN DIE.
  3. Wait... does that make us the gimp?
  4. Though "Dare" is the better song.
  5. Seconded on the Mercato, love that place. Used to work around the corner in another lifetime and would find any excuse to head there.
  6. Friedkin is a proper gut punch. I feel a marathon coming on.
  7. This exchange is, ultimately, best consumed via the medium of Matt Berry and Peter Capaldi: And whilst we're on Peter Capaldi, just the entirety of Malcolm Tucker's dialogue is worthy of consideration. My personal favourite: "Feet off the furniture you Oxbridge clearing in the woods, you're not on a punt now."
  8. The Correspondence between the Ottoman sultan and the Cossacks. Of which there are historical variances, but the general jist runs thus:
  9. There's no display cabinet for competition qualifying. Cup win, first and foremost, always.
  10. You've lost me there me ol' mucker, Meme-Spouting-Belt-Collecting-Saturday-Morning-Cartoon-Supervillain Omega is possibly the greatest thing AEW has ever done. "I'll get you next week Jungle Boy, NEEEEXXXXXT WWEEEEEEKKKKKK!".
  11. That would have worked perfectly well for a goalkeeper kit. If not for the **** wash out badge, obvs.
  12. I think my order of preference for the outcome: Against all convention, there's no turn by either party, they wrestle a largely fair contest and do the world's most unlikely mutual respect spot after. This keeps the belt on MJF where it should be staying anyway, and Cole can move on to whatever the Roddy Strong part of the story is going to be. Cole turns on MJF, as a means to push MJF even deeper into full-on bastard that somehow still garners sympathy. Problem there is I don't know how you do that without Cole taking the title as well, as full-on bastard MJF ultimately won't care about betrayal as long as he's still got the belt. MJF turns on Cole, pulls out his usual schtick for the win. The safe but kinda boring option.
  13. Don't know what popped me harder...
  14. Need to get that pre-show VT meetup sorted! Who's gonna be going? Not that I don't like Storm as a champ (though this Renegades/Originals feud has been tepid at best) but I either want a Shida win or the match to end with shenanigans resulting in a rematch at All In where Shida takes the belt. From lockdown champion to packed stadium champion would be *chef kiss*.
  15. *sharp intake of breath* I will be shocked if this doesn't turn out to be middling at best.
  16. Thought the new home was a bit "meh", but Puma have knocked the new 'Gladbach away kit out of the park... Heavy shades of the classic Asics 94/95 effort below, definitely getting one of those.
  17. Just out of a late Barbie showing. Terrific stuff, and nice to see most of the cast of Sex Education.
  18. Why the **** would you two-tone the badge on a kit where the OG colours would have worked anyway?! I never, ever, want see Castore (or Fanatics, whoever the hell is designing this tripe) anywhere near us again once this deal this up. Also not a patch on the leaked one.
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