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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. I absolutely love the original (some spectacular use of it as an episode opener in the last season of Glow *sob*), but I do have a very specific association with that particular cover version... High Moon really did nail the trailers for this game (and the game itself).
  2. NEW. FLIPPIN'. MCLUSKY. https://mcluskymclusky.bandcamp.com/album/unpopular-parts-of-a-pig-the-digger-you-deep
  3. Smith walked so Emery could run*. *Emery would have to run serpentine, as Gerrard had pooped himself all over the field.
  4. Passed on seeing John Carpenter and Ryuichi Sakamoto at their respective last shows in London. I say "passed", it was more we didn't really have the money for it at the time but boy do I regret that. Spurred me to splash out the hefty sum for Brian Eno this year. Most recently not booking a hotel overnight for The Mars Volta's show at the Troxy, ultimately meaning having to leave before the last two songs as things ran late, those two songs of course being the two I was most excited to hear (Son et Lumiere into Inertiatic ESP).
  5. There were some subtle implications througout Days Gone that it was set in Syphon Filter's universe. Great game that deserved more love, and I say that as someone who it passed by totally on release, didn't play it until it came up on PS Plus one month. The first game where the voice acting and direction was so good that I actively noticed it, Witwer in particular. If I remember I think the studio lead went on some tone-deaf rant about people not buying it full price on release, not a great look when it's an endemic industry problem to rush out half-cooked shite whilst trying to get as much of your cash up front or on pre-order as possible. Anyway yeah, great game. Shame it won't get a sequel, would have loved to get an SF crossover in the vein of Control/Alan Wake.
  6. Some wee shite has slashed our rental car tires so we're losing our £200 deposit (and nearly got stung for the £1500 excess).
  7. On hols up to Moray Firth and experienced the binary "spectrum" that is Scottish hospitality; waiter took my rather large t-bone order (KW.jpg) with a "nae bother", then didn't manage to catch himself before exclaiming "fook's sake" when I said I had room for the Belgian waffle. Bloody love it up here.
  8. Blinked and missed Stars Of The Lid's Brian McBride passing earlier this week. Big gut punch, that.
  9. Tommy Elphick's height is inversely proportionate to Lucas Digne's wages.
  10. If Punk has to forfeit his "real" world championship because of suspension, when he comes back is he going to debut his "really real" world championship?
  11. Anyway asking the real big question from last night... did Sue really pay the congestion/low emission charge just to bring her boys some home-baked treats? Babyface move of the year.
  12. To play contrarian again, I think Collision has largely been very good (this week aside, which was always going to be the case for a go-home show the day before). This is the frustrating thing with Punk; the storytelling is always so good, so engaging, even when his ring rust slips through it doesn't matter. The Joe and Punk match was a banger and they nailed the story of the match (Pepsi Plunge finish was the cherry on top). To then ruin it all by throwing down over hurt feelings is so beyond stupid, quite aside from the fact that it seems to be so arbitrary what does and doesn't piss him off. Some of the stuff Kingston and Moxley said in their respective Punk feuds seemed far more pointed and inflammatory (and hilariously bang on the money in Mox's case) and it's all fine, but Jack Perry or Adam Page say something (that would have otherwise flown under the radar completely) and it's handbags and headlocks at dawn. It stinks of punching down somewhat, bully behaviour. The dichotomy of Punk. Same as it ever was. "Fragile mind. Fragile body. Fragile ego."
  13. It was like being a sardine in a vacuum pack of months-old gooch juice.
  14. I will never, ever, get that BO stench from the cramped penultimate tube ride out of my nostrils.
  15. My only big disappointment was Shida dropping the title (and how patently **** obvious they made out that that was what was going down with her entrance). That said the crowd seemed to love it, I was possibly in the dissenting minority on that one! I absolutely did not have Julia Hart gets scissored on my bingo card for the show.
  16. Wife and I are chilling at Boxpark for anyone wanting to join us. Gonna wait for the tube to die down before heading back to the hotel.
  17. I thought the ending was great! Better Than You Bay Bay for life!
  18. Nirvana and Killing Joke the first one that always springs to my mind. Though apparently The Damned beat them both to the punch on that particular riff.
  19. It'll be a swift cashback claim to PayPal if they have!
  20. I'm assuming the top is just covering it until kick off, I'm on the mid tier and my ticket explicitly states "full view of the ring".
  21. I just looked... oh Jesus surely the top isn't staying on? About half the stadium won't be able to see shit. Now glad I'm not gonna be on those flimsy looking floor seats though, 4+ hours of that would have done my ass no favours. Predictions: Mask drops with Cole winning via Roddy/Kingdom help, only for MJF to Uno-reverse the shenanigans by having had some stipulation put in the contract Cole didn't read. MJF was always one step ahead on the sneakiness, nobody is on the level of the Devil etc. FTR retain. I want Shida to retain but I can't shake this worrying feeling in my gut that the title could get dropped to Saraya (via shenanigans i.e. Shida not being the one to be pinned) for a home-crowd pop, the irony being I think/hope that'd just piss people off. Bullet Club Gold/Don Callis Family to get the win, they need it more. Ospreay to win. Punks wins decisively, possibly via submission (or with the whole the other wrestler passes out rather than submits shtick). House Of Black retain by the skin of their teeth. Aussie Open to retain. Not sure on the rest, can't call 'em. BCC are overdue a win on PPV I guess. Maybe Hook to regain the FTW title but retire it anyway. Has Darby ever lost a coffin match? Feel like it might be him going in this time.
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