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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. It was like being a sardine in a vacuum pack of months-old gooch juice.
  2. I will never, ever, get that BO stench from the cramped penultimate tube ride out of my nostrils.
  3. My only big disappointment was Shida dropping the title (and how patently **** obvious they made out that that was what was going down with her entrance). That said the crowd seemed to love it, I was possibly in the dissenting minority on that one! I absolutely did not have Julia Hart gets scissored on my bingo card for the show.
  4. Wife and I are chilling at Boxpark for anyone wanting to join us. Gonna wait for the tube to die down before heading back to the hotel.
  5. I thought the ending was great! Better Than You Bay Bay for life!
  6. Nirvana and Killing Joke the first one that always springs to my mind. Though apparently The Damned beat them both to the punch on that particular riff.
  7. It'll be a swift cashback claim to PayPal if they have!
  8. I'm assuming the top is just covering it until kick off, I'm on the mid tier and my ticket explicitly states "full view of the ring".
  9. I just looked... oh Jesus surely the top isn't staying on? About half the stadium won't be able to see shit. Now glad I'm not gonna be on those flimsy looking floor seats though, 4+ hours of that would have done my ass no favours. Predictions: Mask drops with Cole winning via Roddy/Kingdom help, only for MJF to Uno-reverse the shenanigans by having had some stipulation put in the contract Cole didn't read. MJF was always one step ahead on the sneakiness, nobody is on the level of the Devil etc. FTR retain. I want Shida to retain but I can't shake this worrying feeling in my gut that the title could get dropped to Saraya (via shenanigans i.e. Shida not being the one to be pinned) for a home-crowd pop, the irony being I think/hope that'd just piss people off. Bullet Club Gold/Don Callis Family to get the win, they need it more. Ospreay to win. Punks wins decisively, possibly via submission (or with the whole the other wrestler passes out rather than submits shtick). House Of Black retain by the skin of their teeth. Aussie Open to retain. Not sure on the rest, can't call 'em. BCC are overdue a win on PPV I guess. Maybe Hook to regain the FTW title but retire it anyway. Has Darby ever lost a coffin match? Feel like it might be him going in this time.
  10. Armored Core VI currently installing... I. AM. EXCITED.
  11. "Vile"? DALL-E Small Heathenry confirmed. Hang about... # Holy shit, Half-Life 3 confirmed!
  12. What I find truly, truly maddening with this season's kits is we have, kicking about across this entire spectrum of shite, the constituent parts to put together what could have been a terrific kit. If you take: the home match day warm-up top the proper, fully coloured and embroidered badge from the home kit the one-tone version of the sponsor logo from the away kits Just **** look at what you'd get...
  13. The entire 95-97 range were possibly the best looking complete set of kits we've ever had... but sweet Zombie Jesus they must have been the most uncomfortable, itchiest shirts I have ever worn. The collars on the outfield kits felt like someone was scratching at your neckline, the collars on the goalkeeper kits felt like they were throttling you and the nipple chaffing was off the charts. Reebok must have had Pinhead on staff that year.
  14. Jesus, this was prescient. 36. Thirty-bloody-six.
  15. Only heading there if anyone else is going to be about, otherwise we'll probably head straight in. As I say, the missus and I will be chilling in Lower Marsh (right next to Waterloo) from lunchtime until 15:00 when we can drop our bags off, and any are welcome to join. We're staying overnight in London after the event, no rush home for us so will be available for post-event hangs. Would be great to see anyone, I only get to meet other VTers during trips to Wembley it seems. Whereabouts have folk got seats? We're section 246. Torn between my ZSJ/Youthmovies tee and House Of Black! Absolutely gutting about Rey Fenix's visa keeping him out, but at least it looks like there's definitely going to be a Wembley Scissor Me Daddy Ass.
  16. Confirmation on timings for Sunday: Stadium access Doors open (including hospitality) open at 15:30. The show starts at 17:00 and is expected to end around 22:00. Make sure you arrive at the stadium in good time to assist with security protocols.
  17. Within two episodes (and his first scenes), we have Chopper wanting to commit atrocities. This is the content I'm here for.
  18. Might be thinking of Gianluca Mancini there, he's the other player the Primavera team let slip through their fingers from that particular batch.
  19. So this meet-up then... Wife and I will be around Waterloo for lunch-time hangs if anyone fancies. Gonna head up to Wembley just after dropping bags off at 3pm, probably have enough time for a swift drink at Boxpark before doors. Depending on how late the finish is, happy to grab some post-drinks wherever with anyone else who's not heading straight back home after. I've started a WhatsApp group, joining link here.
  20. Well... yes, that's why they call it the apocalypse.
  21. Ah, well, see if it's a what's my best song discussion, then it's this. Though it is a mash-up, so obviously, not actually *my* song(s), but if there ever was a deity, then they were absolutely working through me when the inspiration struck for this. Who knew Busta Rhymes and twinkly math rock would work so well together? Truly, the zenith of my artistic endeavour. Of similar note, I once wrote a 90's trance cover of the theme tune from Pingu, sampling the drum parts from Safri Duo's Played-A-Live (The Bongo Song), which I submitted as part of my portfolio to get onto the music production course I wanted to do at uni. I'm still amazed to this day that they let me on the premises. I did once pen a progressive tech number that I could legitimately listen to without hating both it and myself, but sadly that has been long lost to time. I can't even remember what I called it, the laptop it was written on has long since departed and I've no idea where the CD-R I burnt it on might be. Halcyon days, etc.
  22. The **** have I done to deserve this.
  23. Devo were incredible. Rusty Egan's warm up DJ set wasn't half bad either, dropping multiple Talking Heads bangers always a surefire way to win me over at least.
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