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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. I’d wager thats a massive part of it, including the signing of Stevie.
  2. Bring him on later in games like we do with Emi, When there’s more tired legs out there.
  3. spiezels

    The NSWE Board

    People turning on these 2 are completely mental.
  4. Our build up is so slow, by the time we get the ball up the pitch, there’s 21 players there, no space to do anything .
  5. Going to games is boring as shit right now.
  6. Made a lot of good tackles all over the pitch too, his pressing is vital and phil just can’t do that. Has to be starting.
  7. Not a good look that he’s chatting tactics and ideas 3 times a week with someone who we might play against next season. Blimey
  8. I can’t wait for it, will do a lot to help the deflated atmosphere since covid.
  9. We really should be looking after a player like this, he’s got years on Phil, super naive by Gerrard to freeze him out. Gives his all too. If he leaves I’ll be gutted, phils probably got 2 more seasons in him then we’ll be searching for another no.10.
  10. Buendia for coutinho on 60 mins is the new el ghazi trezeguet
  11. Absolutely need a safe standing area. Hope they sort it out
  12. Even less chance he’ll start now as we know he wants out. Feel we miss managed him abit.
  13. Looks like Lerner was going to try emulate the Holte end with the steps and bits there. Fair play.
  14. Let’s hope we get some left side right side banter back, just across the whole pitch
  15. I think Carlos was bought in to play with mings
  16. Oh listen. I’m well aware it’s all about how we set up and the absolute state of things right now, but he’s a better keeper than not saving them 2 goals. (Not keeping hold of the first) Is all I’m saying, I love the dude, but he does tend to flap it at Arsenal when the crowd are on his back
  17. They do…. But he was mostly at fault for both to be fair.
  18. Didn’t think I’d ever say it…. But I can’t wait to see a double pivot.
  19. I love him and he has loads of credit in the bank, but he bottles it at Arsenal everytime. Still a legend and glad we have him.
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