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Everything posted by spiezels

  1. You think we could get Poch, have a day off mate.
  2. Im sure you can do this with some clubs already, a mate got the Oculus VR thing for his PS5 recently and was saying he watched something live, maybe a United game (Essex untitled fan: classic)
  3. Amazing how much traction absolute waffle gets on twitter. Dangerous.
  4. So the pull is Gerrard? Glad we can put a little respect on the name as gracefully as we did. Well played.
  5. Coutinho and Kamara wouldn’t join us without Gerrard.
  6. Konsa and Watkins really fall into this bracket for me, lovely lads, just too nice. We need some more bastards in the squad.
  7. We wouldn’t have signed coutinho or Kamara if we didn’t have Gerrard.
  8. So are you agreeing with me or not? Hahah
  9. Did you not watch the video?
  10. Haha! Aye. Still doesn’t change the fact this lad wouldn’t have come if we still had deano in charge.
  11. Doesn’t mean he’s protected from blame when the team is managed badly… but on a commercial level and the calibre / size of players he’s bringing in, he’s smashing it.
  12. Think people underestimate his pulling power. No chance we’d have Kamara or coutinho without him. Maybe digne.
  13. This says different, Literally joined because of Gerrard, my point stands.
  14. You think kalvin Phillips with 1 season in the prem should be made captain? are ya totally mad. Haha
  15. If he wasn’t in our defence we’d never win a defensive header. Way down on the list of players to replace. With a better and proper CDM in front of him and maybe a new top draw CB, I think he could shine. He’s a leader, organiser and captain, maybe another leader next to him will help him improve.
  16. He’s literally just gone about 6 games with that consistency hasn’t he.
  17. There’s some proper miserable old bastards at VP ent there. Maybe these ticket price rises might see a few if them not renew and we get some fresh blood in.
  18. spiezels

    Matty Cash

    It’s a Snapchat filter doing the rounds
  19. spiezels

    Matty Cash

    Lol at people thinking he’s crying. come on lads. Hahaha
  20. Think if we get a decent commanding RB next to him he’ll get even better.
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