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Everything posted by bielesibub

  1. Sorry dubbs, thought I might be able to help when you spoke about updating your LinkedIn profile (big assumption of mine that you might be in IT ), sorry. Before I had to retire I was in IT.
  2. Think my attempt after gin was better..
  3. ... The telegraph, wasn't that the thing they used to use to send WhatsApp messages before the world turned to technicolour?
  4. Never stopped Man Utd charging the same cardboard fans money for prawn sandwiches.
  5. What are your skills? Would a skill thread be good to set up?
  6. Taxi driver and "see you later, mate" Pompey taxi drivers are a law unto themselves.
  7. We're going to win the league.... I'm no mug, free bet, last of the big spenders. I'm guessing Ladbrokes are waiting to see who gets promoted before they pay out my £1000
  8. Along the same lines.... Twitter, when someone tries to be clever and use posh words and all that, but fail....
  9. Nokia 3210 - the first phone you could have in your trouser pocket without having the fear of sitting down and having a phone aerial stab you in the bollocks.
  10. OMG, I'm soooooooo bored, how long do I have to wait until I can start moaning again about how bad we're playing?
  11. I'm just surprised that they had enough interest from people wanting to play for them that they even managed to get to the number 22! They're probably confident that this will NEVER happen again.
  12. Fingers crossed they'll be saying the same about us on Sunday.
  13. You mean something like this? Wish I was clever like @Teale's 'tache I'll get my excuse in, I've been sat out in the sun, drinking gin.
  14. I don't! I'm having to drink more JD to wash away the taste of sick in my mouth.
  15. 6 minutes in and VillaTalk is once again a happier watch than the game!
  16. Don't worry, am pretty sure we'll get into our 'stride' soon enough.
  17. Edward, my 11 year old is still sticking to his 4-0 at half time. It's nice to have an optimist in the house.
  18. Thanks Man City, now its up to us... here we go then..
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