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Everything posted by bielesibub

  1. You're being far too modest, I always thought your 'no look' overhead kick appeared almost effortless for you.
  2. Love your optimism, I think Pedigree Chump would be more appropriate..
  3. I do! I do! AFAIK, I was the only Goth in Brum (1991-1994) who had a Villa pin badge on his leather jacket
  4. You don't need to worry my 11 year old son had a dream that we were 4-0 up at half-time.
  5. I spent a few years on beta interferons, Avonex and Plegridy. As promising as these results are, if the side affects are anything like I experienced, I'd take my risk with covid-19. I've never felt more ill than when I was when taking them.
  6. I always thought it was a pile of Q even when I was 'into' music. Didn't realise it was still going.
  7. Looks like 1980's bedroom wallpaper or even old horrid garden furniture. Edit: No, the old nasty plastic bags that your nan used to drag around.
  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53469839 Fingers crossed it works and doesn't lead to any other issues.
  9. Pompey definitely, without a doubt. It'd be like Villa vs Blues, Rangers Celtic, Liverpool Everton. As unpopular as it may make me, I've never seen Wolves / WBA as the 'enemy'.
  10. As sick as it makes me feel, I'll be cheering on Scumpton, a win is essential. Things are complicated down these parts, the wifes family are all Pompey - trust me to marry a Pompey bird!
  11. The wife and I watched it, we thought the acting was good, but turned to each other at the end and went "is that it?" America won the war.
  12. I guess the stand off occurred something like this..
  13. Blimey, this must be the first Villa related poll where I feel I am being spoiled for choice
  14. I can't be the only one wondering how long it took you to check, then double check, then triple check your reply.
  15. .. yeah like we did last time, and the time before that, and the time before that ........
  16. I remember it, I had just quit a solid job at IBM to join a small consultancy for almost double the pay, for me the crunch seemed to hit like a tonne of bricks - I don't really remember it being a slow motion crash, it seemed to happen really quick. I do remember feeling really worried about my job after most of the work dried up, the company was lucky to have a couple of really solid clients, although the company did go bust after 12 months - hopefully nothing to do with me. I did make sure that I saved as much as I could while I was working for when the inevitable happened. I was quite lucky, I lost my job and then was picked for contract work a week later. I can't really comment on whats going on at the moment as I can't work anymore.
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