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Everything posted by tomav84

  1. no offence to mcginn, but should never have been taken off mings who do i think will be captain? i doubt emery will take it off mcginn
  2. good luck to him. sad to see him go but is a great role for him
  3. so our current squad, i'd say there are 10 places which are nailed down. standard back 5 4 from tielmans, luiz, kamara, mcginn & ramsey watkins & TBD then 1 space left for another forward player out of buendia, coutinho, bailey, and traore. i think even coutinho's harshest critics would still put him above bailey and traore which means he's battling with buenda for the remaining place in the 11. based on that, i'm quite surprised people want him gone so badly because we don't exactly have an abundance of options in the wide/number 10 role now, if we sign a couple of quality forward options, then my view might change. but as things stand, we need coutinho.
  4. 2.45 BEVERLEY Ravenglass 4.15 BEVERLEY Freak Out 8.25 NEWBURY Capote's Dream
  5. why can't we? we can read, we can see what has happened throughout history, we can listen to the experiences of people of colour, and we can then empathise and understand how and why certain language can be deemed offensive. my (american) boss once asked us in a team meeting how many times we've been pulled over by the police...a few of us said once, twice, some said none. he had been pulled over around a dozen times before his 18th birthday and told us of other similar experiences he's had. it had some of us in tears. are you saying we can't put ourselves in his shoes and think about how horrible that must've been to experience? surely it's by doing just that that we become a more tolerant society?
  6. oh i've no issue with upgrading positions if an upgrade becomes available...it's just a LOT of money for a CB considering how good mings and konsa have been. i know we're looking to have a big summer but this surely will take a sizable chunk of our budget when we need a new RB, a new back up keeper, and at least 1 but preferably 2 new forward players too. i wonder if emery has been less than impressed with carlos in training? based on how few opportunities he's had since he's been fit i guess as things stand with no solid links to wingers i'm still dreading the prospect of bailey/traore starting PL games next season
  7. astounded by the figures being chucked about for a player in his final year of his contract. i know he's a big 'name' but is he worth it? bearing in mind CB is one position where we're already in good shape.
  8. this argument always winds me up, similar to those defending that old royal family member who was asking the black british woman "where are you really from?" 'old' people have seen a lot of social change through the decades that they've been around and frankly should no better...it's never an argument he was being deliberately racist...it was the perception of all arabs being terrorists
  9. Just gonna chuck this one out there too: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2402041/amp/Celebrity-Big-Brother-2013-Ron-Atkinson-warned-race-row-house.html
  10. 5.05 WINDSOR Peachey Carnehan 6.35 WINDSOR Antiphon 9.00 WOLVERHAMPTON (A.W) Los Camachos
  11. went to the gig at spurs ground last year and his voice was absolutely **** that being said, i'm still going to see them on friday. i grew up on them and at this point i go for the riffs rather than his voice
  12. thing is most racists don't actually think theres anything wrong with their behaviour, so it could be argued that they are not intending to offend. the standard daily mail comment section response is something like "leftie snowflakes are just offended by everything these days" which is usually in response to an article about something that most would deem to be quite offensive someone telling racist or homophobic jokes for example probably doesn't intend to offend...but that would quite understandably be offensive to a black or gay person. it's not that they're 'finding it necessary to be offended'. that being said, context is important. i'm a large fellow, and i joke about my weight with family and close friends. if a stranger made a jibe about it to me, i wouldn't take kindly to it at all...i guess that's the only remotely similar scenario i can personally relate to as someone said above, racism is probably best discussed on a case by case basis. in the case of monchi, it seems to me reading his and this thread is that most on here seem to have given him the benefit of the doubt on that one.
  13. modern journalism is all about views and clicks. danny murphy saying something like "fair play to west ham holding out for their price" would get bugger all social media interactions. danny murphy saying rice should go on strike would get everyone riled up, not just west ham fans. gets clicks. gets interactions on socials. gets views on youtube. he's a prick, but he's just doing his job, which is to be as controversial as possible. the best thing to do is not click or interact on the socials when you see these headlines pop up
  14. 'equally' is a big stretch IMO. buendia has had criticism but i don't think he's been anywhere near as disappointing as bailey. there were times last season we won games in spite of bailey, as it was like playing with 10 men. but i was massively critical of luiz for the first 3 seasons he was with us. and he ended up winning me over. i hope the same happens with bailey i agree with you, 1 more season, give emery a chance to work some magic on him.
  15. i think he'll still be in the squad but i can see him getting a lot of conference league minutes. if he's starting PL games next season something has gone wrong this summer
  16. 25 Jun 2023 16:15:00 PONTEFRACT Oneforthegutter 25 Jun 2023 17:45:00 PONTEFRACT Fairmac 25 Jun 2023 18:15:00 PONTEFRACT Tasever
  17. he's apparently proud of a group of people steaming into something incredibly risky despite numerous experts saying what a bad idea it is, several warnings, at least 1 person that didn't want to do it in the first place, and the guy in charge totally lacking the ability to pull it off safely and sucessfully i had to scroll back up to double check he was talking about the titanic sub and not brexit
  18. at what point does the thread get renamed to "Russia and its “Special Operation” in Russia" ?
  19. 24 Jun 2023 14:47:00 REDCAR Streetscape 24 Jun 2023 16:02:00 REDCAR Let's Go Hugo 24 Jun 2023 16:32:00 NEWMARKET (JULY) Sir Titan 24 Jun 2023 17:09:00 NEWMARKET (JULY) Venturous 24 Jun 2023 18:35:00 HAYDOCK May Blossom 24 Jun 2023 18:50:00 LINGFIELD Ciao Adios 24 Jun 2023 19:40:00 HAYDOCK Bringbackmemories 24 Jun 2023 20:10:00 HAYDOCK Jo's Rainbow 24 Jun 2023 20:50:00 LINGFIELD Viewfromthestars
  20. all reasonable theories say they'd have known absolutely nothing about it. so quick it would've been like someone flicked off the light switch.
  21. tomav84


    so sorry mate it's the worst thing of all. i hope the vet had a good bedside manner with you because ours was **** terrible and made a horrible experience so much worse. we've moved vets as a result...no way we could've gone back there. our polly lost her battle with cancer a few weeks ago. she was only 8...bless her she didn't half fight (was told in june of last year she had just a few weeks left) thoughts with you bud...people that don't have pets just don't get it. i tried to confide in one mate shortly after polly's diagnosis and i believe his exact words were "it's just a **** cat"
  22. you won't like the sound of some of the ones i've seen on twitter! one i've just seen is all about how he doesn't want to leave!
  23. the problem is that this gathered such public interest due to the abnormal nature of it. it got clicks and views of the news articles...it's (for lack of a better word) exciting. 5 people in a sub, with the oxygen level counting down...it made for a good story, a real life suspense movie. that being said, if the navy released that little nugget of info about hearing the bloody thing implode at the very same time that the signal was lost, no one would've bothered looking. i just hope no lives were lost due to resources being deployed for this lost cause
  24. that very thing happened to the leicester owner, and i didn't see many on here saying "why did he get a helicopter?". they're regulated by the same strict safety rules that govern the planes we get on to go on holiday. similar with sky diving, bungee jumping, or fairground rides. the key difference with this, is that the regulations for this sort of thing are full of holes apparently, one of which being that this takes place in international waters where you can basically do what you like. but it is hindsight...did the folks on board know that these letters had been written to this company saying their sub was unsafe? did they know of the staff being sacked from the company for raising concerns? probably not and probably wouldn't have set foot inside it had they have known. it's the typical stuff that comes out after the event
  25. all sorts of stuff coming out about how many corners this company cut, how there were various warnings, people getting sacked when questioning the methods of the company waiver or not, i hope someone gets compensated
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