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Everything posted by tomav84

  1. i think this will be announced at the start of the season. anyone who plays in the final is not going to be ready for a PL game on boxing day
  2. i just don't see that happening. the top teams tend to get easy starts too
  3. how was everybody else's lockdowns? cause theirs sounded **** cracking
  4. the likes of trent and james arguably should be re. classified as midfielders too they're must haves if they stay as defenders
  5. i wonder who the 'must haves' will be this season? haaland is the obvious one that springs to mind.
  6. had a mate play for half a season before realising the captain got double points so don't beat yourself up about not fully understanding rules!
  7. i'd argue the other way around? if we're serious about carlos maybe we've made an inquiry, fee is currently too large, so we're looking into JT in case carlos doesn't happen newcastle have been heavily linked with DC - be interesting to see what happens when we go head to head with them for a transfer
  8. Full article for those that don't have the athletic
  9. happy to see him sold. just never warmed to the guy. i get he's not a #6, but i remain unconvinced he's a better #8 than what we already have. i'd play mcginn, JJ, or sanson over him and we can probably put kamara above him in the pecking order too my biggest concern is that SG seems to rate him and also doesn't seem to see what we see when he plays him as a #6 and as long as he's at the club we run the risk of Luiz playing in that role. i'd love it if roma come in with a nice tidy bid that takes the decision out of SG's hands
  10. tragic...just like the last one was and the next one will be. the strange things is that they're actually surprised when it happens.
  11. had a quick glance on SHA. naturally they're absolutely loving all the villa digs they are a very easy bunch to please aren't they
  12. yeah marseille fans are furious. i'll take that as a good sign
  13. i think he's going to stay. just a gut feeling. i'll be surprised if many of the team who aren't already on loan leave. sanson and maybe luiz but that's it IMO been given some time off the bench lately which indicates he's doing something right in training
  14. quality player who i'm sure will score goals struggling to get on board though cause he's a nasty piece of work
  15. eh? heaton was like 33 when we signed him. tarkowski is 29. arguably in his prime. and would i take 'that version' of heaton now as our back up keeper (and i do think tarkowski will end up being a back up to mings)? yes i 100% would.
  16. i'm glad we don't have to keep defending this clown there's having a beer and enjoying their success, but he looks like an absolute knobhead
  17. responsible for just 1 error leading to an opposition goal in 130 league games. he needs to up those numbers if he's going to fit in here
  18. yeah i used my wildcard in GW4, taking a gamble and wanting to incorporate all 3 of salah, ronaldo and lukaku. in hindsight that was a mistake but i am still surprised lukaku was as poor as he was
  19. cheers guys, yeah i just wondered if there was something people use to give an edge. i'll definitely check out the youtubers you mentioned. sounds so obvious but i don't think ive ever really looked at upcoming fixtures. i bet if i did a post mortem of my season i'm sure i probably took out an under performing player who had favourable fixtures coming up so definitely something to look at going forward
  20. reading a lot of you guys in the top 100k/top 50k etc making me quite disappointed by my 500k finish! what resources do you guys use to help you get these sort of results or is it purely experience/knowledge?
  21. yeah in fairness they didn't have long to figure out logistics, time off work etc i'd have liked leeds or everton to go down but i've no problem seeing the back of these scumbags with their white lives matter banners and racist gestures
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61550710?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA good. still can't believe he continued to play for west ham. still not sure i could turn up each week and watch him if it was a villa player
  23. at least they're not saying how shit he is so that some on here can write him off before he kicks a ball
  24. love how quick we're moving to get business done any reports on how much we're paying him?
  25. if it's a choice between him and luiz it's no choice to be made. sanson any day of the week. really hoping roma or someone come in with a silly offer for luiz that we cannot refuse that forces us to keep sanson i think marv will be kept as a backup to kamara
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