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Everything posted by AVFC_Hitz

  1. They're black with a blueish detail. This isn't going to be a thing. Please don't let it be a thing.
  2. I can see Ringo Starr and Roland from Grange Hill, in there.
  3. Off topic but CDG airport is the most confusing airport I've ever been to. I must have followed the signs to the RER for an hour before I gave up and took a taxi. I went to two info desks who both gave me the gallic shrug.
  4. Nearly died there when the middle of the crowd collapsed during a Libertines gig. I say died...I genuinely feared for my life.
  5. A bath? In Bulgaria? I'm not Rockefeller.
  6. I like to buy a lot of shite drunk. It's like Christmas when the delivery calls me up. Usually, I have have a sudden recollection of what I've bought and go 'ah ok, yeah". Tonight the bloke rings me up and says you've got 3 packages. A new dish rack for the sink. A fruit bowl with a special arm to hang bananas off. 3 magnetic boards with a week/month/habit tracker thing. 6 mint shower gels. (In with the dish rack) Genuinely had no idea this time. I don't really know what to think.
  7. It's brilliant hearing my 2 year old switching seamlessly between Bulgarian and English. In a heartbeat, no stumbling over words.
  8. Happy new year from Bulgaria! I've genuinely done something monumental. I ripped out a fart that started in 2022 and ended in 2023.
  9. I think he means because it's so large he needs two hands....unless he really does Tommy with two hands with his tongue out over pictures of Sue Barker taking milk out of the fridge.
  10. 1. Des Lynam 2. Bob Dylan 3. Raquel Welch 4. Ramzan Kadryov 5. Dick Van Dyke
  11. I genuinely think Emi is a bit mental.
  12. Industrial scale cocaine taking.... probably.
  13. Heavily salted boiled are ok. I'm more concerned at that chode of a pink thing.
  14. One of my favourite films of all time. Check out 'The Last Execution' also.
  15. Both of my kids have chicken pox. They're both in 'kin scratching agony and, as a father, I can't do anything to ease their pain.
  16. Chip size or sliced like a carrot? I like them soft in parts and crispy edges.
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