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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Don Amott, king of caravans, the price is right and the choice is yours
  2. Big ones, small ones, patterned or plain, if you call in once you’ll have to call again, It’s your one stop shop, we’ve got the lot, get it all at Stechford tile, get it all at Stechford tile
  3. Ooo to be a Witt-on-er Singing Sendumback against Fenderbache Someone in the cushion told me once that Chelsea fella had attachments for his missing arm like swords and stuff
  4. I distinctly remember one home game against Everton when the Witton was half and half and the NS was being built a massive masonary exchange between us and them. I think that was the last game it was ever half and half. Amazed no one got killed
  5. But still scored the winner against that vermin so I will be forever be in his debt
  6. Put your collected stools on the driveway and before your front door. Apparently this works with lion poo to keep cats off your garden. I would imagine the same principle applies.
  7. What’s hers is hers and what’s yours is hers been there and still reside there
  8. My pin code for my bank card is the same four numbers as the Wife’s in a slightly different order and this was the same before we met.
  9. Only the brightest stars burn out early
  10. Did you see the documentary on him last year?
  11. We need a Sid Cowans type of midfield player
  12. Watched the Contractor with Chris Pine last night. He plays an Ex special forces operative who is forced into the private sector due to a dishonourable discharge where everything is not quite as it seems Good solid actioner with a couple of twists so well worth the investment . 7.9/10
  13. Indeed, in the blink of an eye we could well be in Big Sam territory, God forbid
  14. I can honestly understand your point of view. However I’m not quite there yet. That will come probably 10 games into the new season if things have not dramatically improved assuming he gets what he wants in the summer. The only caveat I would add to this Is that I’m scared to death of what he will do in the summer, If he gets it badly wrong it could set us back years
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