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Phil Silvers

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Everything posted by Phil Silvers

  1. Everybody relax, we're finishing 15th
  2. Hate it, unless things change we have seen the last of any club being able to win any anything. Was so looking forward to seeing where NWSE could take us but its sinking in that the best they can do is to make us the best club outside the top 4/5. The quicker they form an elite European league the better unless changes are made.
  3. And will only be worse next year, my guess is that every aspect of the many different situations that can require VAR will be made very vague so that on any given instance an argument can be made for a decision to go either way, thus being able to manipulate decisions easier to keep the elite where they are and being able to justify it.
  4. Screwed again by poor officiating, still we should have handled their 2and goal better. Hated watching Targett tucked so close to Mings this making Foden look amazing, would love to see Jack with that much air time and space. The biggest thing for me as always is the knowledge that our passing is below par and opposition always know that, so they put us under immediate pressure so we often then make a bad pass, quick fix!!!! What our players do off the ball, ie giving our man in possession a simple option, it is unforgivable this far into the season, we are the worsed drilled team in the league and it's the reason we lose possession so often letting the opposition go again, and please stop the players trying to make worldy passes! We started too many attacking players yesterday imo.
  5. I typed brummie 4 times then Birmingham 6 times and settled on black country cos it sounded way funnier, not technically accurate and I didn't think anyone would notice, he's a great player though and the baddies would never kill em as he would go down too often already.
  6. Past talk of there being a black or even female James Bond, how about a black country one, just keep him away from the martinis. The names Jack, Jack Grealish.... just leave the bottle.
  7. Thought I might be the only one that spotted the shootist one.
  8. Every pundit every where, tv radio street, you name it, we do not stand a chance regardless of how ever we play, If I'm deano id make the players listen to all of it and go out there and prove the whole world wrong and stick it right up that phoney new money fake imitation of a great club, great club my arse, citeh will be up against a really great club, a great old money traditional legend of a club, an institution, whatever the result they will never be an Aston Villa so f%@k off.
  9. Its a masterpiece, each to his own, but once you see the whole picture, it takes some beating, imho its the greatest tv ever broadcast. The great Anthony Hopkins seemed to like it ......…………….. Dear Mister Cranston. I wanted to write you this email - so I am contacting you through Jeremy Barber - I take it we are both represented by UTA. Great agency. I’ve just finished a marathon of watching “BREAKING BAD” - from episode one of the First Season - to the last eight episodes of the Sixth Season. [Ed note: There are in fact five seasons of Breaking Bad; this might have been wishful thinking.] (I downloaded the last season on AMAZON) A total of two weeks (addictive) viewing. I have never watched anything like it. Brilliant! Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen - ever. I know there is so much smoke blowing and sickening bullshit in this business, and I’ve sort of lost belief in anything really. But this work of yours is spectacular - absolutely stunning. What is extraordinary, is the sheer power of everyone in the entire production. What was it? Five or six years in the making? How the producers (yourself being one of them), the writers, directors, cinematographers.... every department - casting etc. managed to keep the discipline and control from beginning to the end is (that over used word) awesome. From what started as a black comedy, descended into a labyrinth of blood, destruction and hell. It was like a great Jacobean, Shakespearian or Greek Tragedy. If you ever get a chance to - would you pass on my admiration to everyone - Anna Gunn, Dean Norris, Aaron Paul, Betsy Brandt, R.J. Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Steven Michael Quezada - everyone - everyone gave master classes of performance ... The list is endless. Thank you. That kind of work/artistry is rare, and when, once in a while, it occurs, as in this epic work, it restores confidence. You and all the cast are the best actors I’ve ever seen. That may sound like a good lung full of smoke blowing. But it is not. It’s almost midnight out here in Malibu, and I felt compelled to write this email. Congratulations and my deepest respect. You are truly a great, great actor. Best regards Tony Hopkins.
  10. Phil Silvers


    I thought something bad was going to happen to the cat going into the green light, then he appeared fine in a later picture, phew!
  11. It's down the doofry, round the back of the floffer, by Jimmy's.
  12. The club have taken him to Aunt Brenda's sex dungeon in small heath, apparently the double extra spanking has toughened him up a bit.
  13. Rumour has it He's wearing Deontay Wilders walk on costume from the weekend for Sundays final.
  14. At the rate it's all going I think 5 points keeps us up, maybe 3.
  15. I'd be exactly the same and like Breaking Bad it just keeps getting better and better.
  16. Know what u mean, couple of times I thought nah, not having this but it's very entertaining and for me they could of played it without the few odd little things that are not needed, good though.
  17. Better call saul s05 Ep1, great start, love this show, no spoilers but ........ enjoy
  18. 2 episodes into Hunters, very entertaining if a tad quirky and I'm not sure yet if its in a good way, definitely will keep at it and will update here. Watched ep1 peeles TZ and was underwhelmed, trying to hard to be too clever and found that not entertaining, each to their own though.
  19. Bost his yed, he will do same to that dancing fairy Joshua, will be undisputed then back on the burger kings like a true gypsy king, BRAVO
  20. Elmo for AEG and Louis Barry or Vassilev on bench.
  21. Seems we have all been too harsh, just because there was no blood, it doesn't mean it wasn't serious. The brutal force of the impact has dislocated more then one eyelash, very serious and the fact Anwar was able to walk back to the dugout unaided is testament to how much of a warrior he is, sadly, he may miss the remainder of the season. Best wishes Anwar, stay strong.
  22. Cant put enough emphasis on that Spurs late goal, I think its absolutely knocked the guts right out of em, piss poor that though for professional players.
  23. 100% agree, in fact some of these are worse then Green, Hogan, Jedi, etc etc
  24. I'd have him on the bench in the coming weeks, at least he will be a threat through shear effort.
  25. SpongeBob is tougher than this boob, OUT!
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