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Phil Silvers

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Everything posted by Phil Silvers

  1. Finished Homeland in spite of the main character. Decent enough but could have been great had the creators made some different decisions early on. 7.3/10 Season 4 ep 12, what the actual f...……. that was a chore and almost gave up there and then. Would like to have seen the whole thing centered around Saul or Quinn instead of Carrie. Loved Lockhart, great actor, played Henry Ford in Ford v Ferrari..... brilliant.
  2. Brilliant film, Robert Mitchum was outstanding. It was directed by actor Charles Laughton and it was received poorly by the critics of the day so he only directed in theatre thereafter, shame.
  3. She is a life long tory and idiotic enough to be a minister and she is a clearing in the woods
  4. not sure on the connection but she sounds like a clearing in the woods if that helps clear things up
  5. Agree and she will probably end up being a future Tory prime minister candidate
  6. Watch it as a comedy and it took me a little while to get into it, u will hate all off them as it goes on maybe, its good
  7. I wanna see the main man smash conor through the floor
  8. Sholay (1975) IMDb Hindi film recommended to me years ago by mates, it was sold to me as a curry western and mates always asking have you seen it yet, so hunted it down. I've seen films from all over the world but never fancied anything from India as just have this vision of Bollywood weird (to me) dancing and ridiculous death scenes etc Basically its two outlaws are enlisted to capture a notorious bandit. It steals from many different genres, actually no, its steals from every genre except sci fi It was epic, quite long, needs some commitment but is quite rewarding. It worked best when it was being funny, particularly the evil prison commandant Charlie Chaplin impression and the always nagging Basanti. The thing I'll remember most is the love of the two bandits, neither would hesitate to die for the other and it really is the heart of the film. If you enjoy world cinema give it a go. 8/10
  9. Loving it here, especially this weeks, Russian Festival was great. Only thing for me is, more Villanelle please.
  10. I cant really say, I've had too many warnings on here but the answer is in the title
  11. Have u lads seen succession, if not get on it, bloody Brilliant
  12. So roughly about £800.00 weekly, peanuts!
  13. Legend! How much do you spend on booze weekly?
  14. That'll do pal, I wish we could just do what ever benefits us but we ain't getting away with it, wish Prince William would pull rank and sort this mess out
  15. I couldn't give a rats ass one way or the other as long as it puts the least lives at risk. Up or down we are still Aston Villa and I love the club which ever league we play in.
  16. The best thing I've seen is to scrap the last round of games so we have all played the same amount, end the season there and dish out the trophies, promotions and relegations, then start planning for next season properly.
  17. Justin Gaethje, absolute monster. TF is made of IRON. No upset for me, BOTH are unreal fighters and both were on it, the best man won. Either or them would beat CM and I cant see anyone beating Khabib, they might have every bomb in the book, but they just will not be able to stay on their feet.
  18. UK to bring in 14 day air passenger quarantine by the end of May, bloody good show
  19. Its still available today in some shops and bars and is used to mix with alcohol.
  20. If anyone can advise it would be appreciated, sorry I cant post a link as tech stuff is beyond me sorry. The following windows updates are showing to install on my Dell laptop and silly me thinks its virus/hack but its probably nothing but thought would ask..... SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. - Modem - SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. - USB - SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. - AndroidUsbDeviceClass -
  21. John Burridge broke my arm whilst standing in that beautiful place. I've broken my arms 3 times but the above was my favourite.
  22. Some of our players might be more on it without the pressure of us lot glaring down on them and ranting when its not happening for them. It might be a good thing.
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