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Everything posted by Sulberto21

  1. But we’d score 90000 goals a game at New Villa Theme Park Bowl.
  2. Bring Villa Park to Walsall. …. Runs and ducks for cover .
  3. It’s also in a shit location . The other option is knocking down most of the houses and that ain’t happening.
  4. If there’s one manager who can get Werner back to his best form from his Pre Chelsea days then it’s Don Unai. He’s one of those winger/forwards too. However he’s not hit the heights in the premier league and it’d be a huge risk. We seem stacked with winger/forwards too.
  5. Bosnich getting injured was the first disaster. Secondly we had a small squad. Not signing Juninho hurt us as well. Doug didn’t want to spend that extra little something. Fatigue crept in and we fell away.
  6. £100m is daylight robbery. Where do peeps get off selling our best players for peanuts . He’s easily worth £150m + in the modern market. But we’d suffer a net loss because of his leadership and ability. So no sale. Unless they want to swap Rice in.
  7. @Tom13 bro? That you??? I know you don’t think Ollie is the best but a bit harsh?????
  8. FA Cup 3rd round against the usual. We’re 2-0 and I’m giving Van Nistelrooy dogs abuse called him a horse too. This is down by the Holte Trinity corner. After the game he casually walks over having scored two and imitates a horse rider. Respect mr nistlerooy respect. Ollie can go up a level with this new found bite.
  9. Normally like what this guy says but… Timo Werner???
  10. 10 more wins and top 4 is ours I believe.
  11. Love him and love the needle he bought yesterday. That part where all the Brentford players were trying to hack him down was funny.
  12. Thing is your counter point is the same in every transfer thread. Let us have our fun. Dani Parejo hmmmmm
  13. What did he say? Every time I watch it I get lost in those eyes….
  14. Shearer and Wright (yes I know beacons of society) loved it.
  15. Dani Parejo. Loan for the end of the season or an 18 month contract . Experienced and high quality. Cheap too.
  16. And kept his arm in his face not to dissimilar to mma style clinch when forcing your opponent back.
  17. It was a routine stop until Davis bundled him into the goal
  18. It was his chin. So the defence could be his breath was bad or something……..
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