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Everything posted by Rds1983

  1. When people nowadays rank a list of things and use the tiering system A to F like you'd get in school, but for some reason (now idea why or where it started) they put an S in too for the top tier.
  2. I think that I struggled with the increased focus on some of the other characters with Bosch taking a bit of a back seat.
  3. Don't know why but I just couldn't get into Bosch Legacy. Love the original.
  4. Happy birthday... she-e-e-e-e-ds!
  5. Amazingly Beale isn't even the only former assistant coach of his currently working in the Championship.
  6. Rewatching and introducing my son to Batman The Animated Series. Still absolutely brilliant.
  7. I thought being in the office increased productivity and stopped people wasting time.
  8. Yeah, I learned about him at uni too. More I learnt more I admired his views and his bravery to champion them at that time. He's admittedly not perfect but nobody is.
  9. I was tempted to explain what they were doing but thought it'd be more fun this way. For those stuck:
  10. Agree he'd be fairly well known to Villa fan's, but most fan's in this country wouldn't gave a clue, let alone those overseas.
  11. Jeremy Bentham. Was born in 1748 and was a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law, and a political radical whose ideas influenced the development of welfarism. He advocated individual and economic freedoms, the separation of church and state, freedom of expression, equal rights for women, the right to divorce, and (in an unpublished essay) the decriminalising of homosexual acts. He called for the abolition of slavery, capital punishment, and physical punishment, including that of children. He has also become known as an early advocate of animal rights. Hundreds of years ahead of his time and did a lot of good.
  12. I'd say these points actually show that Murphy is talking nonsense and having that experience is crucial to winning a league. I'd argue the reason City have won it so much recently isn't because they have that experience, but more that they have better resources and larger/fuller squads. They're better placed for the tail end of the season as they'll have fresher players who are less burnt out due to better rotation. You only need to look how we used to explode under MON at the end of each season to see how much this can affect teams.
  13. There's only one trophy that matters apparently. Messi won best player too. It's all about marketing/Internet clicks sadly.
  14. A lot of disruption for them which could easily ruin their season and send them back down. Hopefully not though.
  15. Don't worry. There can never be an overabundance of tits.
  16. Cov fans made and displayed (on a road bridge not at the stadium) a banner today showing an exploding helicopter. Disgusting at any time but especially given what's happened with Leicester's owners.
  17. Musiala isn't English. He has 25 caps for Germany, was born in Germany to German and Nigerian parents and only moved to England when he was 7. He played youth football for both us and Germany.
  18. I'm just surprised people still play the lottery.
  19. How do you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber? Ask them to pronounce "unionised".
  20. I've got the dvd for the 1973 Barbarians game. Unbelievable try scored by these players.
  21. Brilliant player. He was also my father in laws claim to fame. He did a training session at London Welsh (I think) and managed to stop JPR scoring a try by ankle tapping him. Was super happy with himself until the coach told him off for risking injury to JPR.
  22. When it's feeling like a chore to go, try focusing on exercises that you enjoy and want to do, even if it's not the day for them. Just do bench press, or deadlift, or arms or rowing machine or whatever you enjoy. It's better to mix your routine up but still do something rather than do nothing. If you need to spend a bit more time looking at your phone or whatever between sets on that day then so be it. Make it enjoyable until you want to do it properly again.
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