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Everything posted by KevinRichardsonsMoustache

  1. Wish their social media team could’ve picked a different picture. Cheeky pinch for your birthday:
  2. He has always been (and will always be, I hope) good with fans. His attention to Villa mascots when he was captain was outstanding and genuinely heartwarming. His judgement in this regard is beyond question.
  3. I wake up thinking of his chiselled good looks, too. The b+stard.
  4. He joins Lansbury and Bree at Luton. Wish him well. Thank you for your professionalism and service, Jed. You’ll always have an important part in the history of our resurgence. Thank you.
  5. We need a DM and we’re ambitious. But we won’t be f—cked about by tinpot clubs looking for a payday. If the valuation is wrong, we walk away. Bye.
  6. Gregg is finally learning how to write. It’s sweet really, but he’s right: it will keep him busy.
  7. ‘Look, Newcastle: Targett isn’t for sale for £25m but we’ve got this lad who’s pulling up trees for Forest. Sound good?’
  8. I really wanted to say you!re wrong, for the sake of the man, but those highlights aren’t particularly impressive. I appreciate it’s only one game, mind. Hope he can make it work for his own sake.
  9. Hold on: we signed him for 14m plus add ons or thereabouts in 2019. Bloke has gone on to become an established premier league footballer, was players’ player of the year last year, is only 26 and, until a fortnight ago, was first choice in his position for a PL team. And they’re offering 20m in this inflated market?!! Fml.
  10. In today’s market, £15m doesn’t usually buy you a lot of player. Sanson looks tidy. Hope he can get the run of games he needs.
  11. For a bellend to cover an arse: That must be a big bellend or a small arse. I should probably stop drinking now.
  12. DM to go folks. Good bloody squad to go into the second half of the season, What a window so far. Businesslike, efficient, yet exciting.
  13. Seems like a solid addition. Good pedigree, good age and v good value. Will hopefully push Konsa soon without entirely screwing up his confidence.
  14. I’ve just read about this ‘interview’ on the Birmingham Mail website and was going to search for it. Thanks for posting it. The fact that Gabby still thinks this story is hilarious - and that i assume he’d probably do the same again if he was still playing - speaks volumes about his immaturity. He still doesn’t get professionalism at all. Look at Ashley Young: a year older than Gabby, probably did things he regrets as a young man, but what a career he went on to have (and is still having). Never became a pro, did you, Gab? What a toxic waste. I still regret that this is most likely what Jack Grealish will become.
  15. As many have said before, the sorts of players who will agree to go to Newcastle in their current state are not the right personalities for us. Utter mercenaries.
  16. He looks tremendously strong and powerful when running at defenders like that. Scary, really, shame he so rarely does it.
  17. I’m sure Oriol Romeu was terrified at the news that Jack was waiting for him in the tunnel after yesterday’s match.
  18. Bit of swagger now, isn’t there? He’s in the thick of the celebrations, not afraid to play the pass he wants rather than going for the easy option to the senior pro. He’s developing nicely.
  19. YT highlight videos tell us more about the agenda of the creator of the video than the subject of the video. They are not necessarily an accurate representation of anything. We acknowledge this for Tonev-style, creaming of pants over so-called ‘ballers’ (complete with dodgy af soundtrack) videos, but we can’t see through the agenda of a video showing a player accompanied by clown music. His stats, in the aggregate, look good. It can be no accident that he has appeared a huge number of times for one so young for a powerhouse of Italian football. Some critical perspective would be helpful.
  20. Seems like a v thoughtful person in his post match interview. Superb language skills
  21. I'd like to be on the bench at Adams Park in Wycombe for spitgate in 2016. Maybe give Guzan and Lescott a smack around the head.
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