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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. Realistically we can't compete against the Saudi teams, who currently have unlimited funds. Plus they don't have to deal with the financial limitations of FFP, etc. I can't say I'd be that heartbroken if he wanted to go to Saudi Arabia. Rather see players who want to play for the club.
  2. As much as I would love to see Emery get something out of him, I don't think Coutinho cares. He just wants the paycheck and I'd rather see the club get as much for him as we can, most likely in Saudi. Maybe Stevie will give him a new home.
  3. Do you think the Saudis would be interested in Davis? They got to have a good 50 million down the sofa.
  4. Genuinely think Davis would be a cracking purchase for any championship club. I Watched him a lot last season and was left impressed, sadly he's just not good enough for the Villa anymore. Worked his socks off for Watford last season.
  5. Have to say that's a cracking deal by the club for Pau, just hope he settles and is happy at the club. Welcome Pau.
  6. They must be desperate to hire Gerrard as head coach, awful manager.
  7. This could be a crazy good deal for the club, paying way lower than what he's valued in my opinion. Didn't really see this deal happening, sounds like a lot of hard work has been happening behind the scenes, and with interest from Bayern, etc, I didn't think It'd happen. Really happy with this one when it's official. A great player.
  8. £105 million for Rice is an amazing bit of business from West Ham. No way is he worth half of that, Arsenal was taken for a ride with that price tag.
  9. Sancho is one of the most overrated players I've seen in some time.
  10. I remember that shirt being an insect magnet, it was the bright yellow.
  11. I genuinely think Wesley could have been a great signing for us, but that injury really rocked him. Still hate Ben Mee for that.
  12. Regarding media speculation, it's 99.9% bullcrap and 0.01% truth.
  13. I think we all saw this happening, there was no chance he was going to be seeing much action at Chelsea.
  14. I'm surprised it hasn't leaked. Honestly, I've not been much of a fan of the recent kits. The last great-looking kit for me was Luke's Championship kit. Plus the sponsor is a real turn-off. Hope it isn't too bad. That said, I actually really like the new badge.
  15. We need depth, but I worry about his commitment. He looked so disinterested in Leicester this season, though who knows what was going on in the background given how poor Leicester were.
  16. Got a lot of respect for Conor, so happy to see he'll be part of the Villa setup next season. Interesting he's taking it on as a secondary role.
  17. That was downright pathetic from Bowen there, falling down like he'd been shot in his head when there was zero contact. Pathetic.
  18. This just feels like the Chinese Super League all over again, and look how well that turned out.
  19. Honestly, if I was a Spurs fan I'd be super underwhelmed but as others have said, they probably didn't have a whole lot of options. It'll either be a brilliant move or another short-term disaster. Spurs probably don't have much to lose at least giving it a try.,
  20. Postecoglou is a strange one to me, that said Spurs probably don't have as many options as they'd like to think they do. But in my personal opinion, the gap between the Scottish Premiership and the English Premier League is massive, and making the transition successfully is very difficult. I could be proven wrong though.
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